Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week 14: How many sleeps until Christmas?

Well done everyone! The dress rehearsal went really well on Friday and I hope you have had a good rest this weekend so that you are ready to give 101% in the performances on Monday and Tuesday for your parents and friends.
The KS2 Christmas party is on Wednesday afternoon and our Christmas lunch is on Thursday. The term ends with our Carol Service on Friday morning.

Why not try to write the beginning of a Christmas story in 50 words and add it to our Blog?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 13: Christmas Celebrations

I hope you have all been busy learning your lines over the weekend for our final few days of rehearsals. Costumes need to be in tomorrow so that we can check that everything is ready for our run through and Dress Rehearsal on Thursday and Friday.
The choir will be singing at The Acres on Tuesday and we will be holding our annual Paper Chain Competition.

Have a go at this Nrich Christmas Maths Challenge-
Mrs Claus made four of the workshop elves new suits for Christmas.
Each suit had matching trousers, waistcoat, jacket and hat.
One suit was all red, one was all green, one was all yellow and one was all blue. The elves were delighted with their presents, but decided it would be fun to wear a different outfit every day for as many days as possible. So they agreed to swap around parts of their suits until they ran out of new combinations.
How many days did their fun last?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Calling all you 'Wonderful Writers' out there!

Mr Wainwright has been speaking with a lady from Peterborough Environment City Trust who co-ordinates Eco Schools locally, about how well Barnack is doing during Powerdown fortnight. She has asked if anyone would like to write a short article (200 words maximum) on what has been happening during Powerdown fortnight at Barnack school. She may even include it in the next Eco Newsletter which is sent to all schools, so get writing!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 12: Five Gold Rings

The stage is up and ready for rehearsals. I hope you have been busy learning your lines for our ‘script-free’ practices this week. Please let us know as soon as you can if you are having difficulty finding things for your costume.
Don’t forget that you will need your coat when we go down to Church for the Communion Service on Tuesday morning.
The Christmas post box will go up on December 1st so I will be collecting names to go on the rota to be our postmen and women.
And finally, remember your torches for Power Down Day on Friday. I think it will make us appreciate just how much we rely on electricity each and every day.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bollywood at Barnack

Week 11: Power Down Fortnight preparations and School Play Rehearsals

The term just gets busier and busier! Many thanks to our class reps on the School Council for their help in organising our Children in Need day on Friday. We raised almost £150!

On Monday there will be a special whole school assembly and a workshop session for Year 5 and 6 children on Saving Energy. As part of the activities there is a photography competition on Saving Energy in School and the Head Teacher’s Challenge will be to create an Energy Super Hero (more details to follow).

Our Maths Challenge team will be attending the Regional finals at Peterborough on Monday. There is a football game against Helpston on Tuesday and netball matches against Peterborough High school on Wednesday.

Rehearsals for our Christmas play start this week so get those lines learnt. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Taste of India day

What an exciting day! Well done everyone for working so sensibly in your cookery groups to prepare the food for this afternoon's feast. A special thank you to our super chefs Mrs Damani and Mrs Humphreys- we couldn't have done it without you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 10: A Taste of India

A huge thank you to all those children who helped with the games at the Winter Fayre on Saturday. Our class games raised a total of £30!
This week we will be joining with Miss Cracknell’s class for a special cookery and food tasting day on Tuesday. People in India use a variety of herbs and spices to flavour their dishes- try to find out about the different spices that they use and add the information to our Blog.
On Wednesday the footballers will play a return game against North Luffenham and on Friday the School Council have organised activities for Children in Need.
With only 5 weeks to go until the end of term, we will be looking at our Christmas Play which this year is called ‘Five Gold Rings’. Auditions will be this week and hopefully everyone will have been allocated a part by Friday. So get practising those loud voices and acting skills!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 9: Urban India- A Journey to Mumbai

This week we will be continuing to research information about Mumbai and you will be using ICT to present your ideas as a report.
It will be another busy week with football matches against North Luffenham on Wednesday and a visit to the War Memorial on Friday morning to join in with the whole village to remember those who lost their lives during the war.
The BSA Winter Fayre is on Saturday 12th November and the older children have traditionally helped to organise and run some children’s games. Is anyone able to help? Ask your parents if you can come along then we can draw up a rota of games and helpers.  

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 8: Diwali celebrations!

I hope you have all had a brilliant half term break and enjoyed an extra hour in bed on Sunday morning. What exciting things have you all been doing?
This week we will be celebrating Diwali with a shared activity day on Tuesday. Remember- you can come to school dressed for the occasion in brightly coloured clothes if you wish.
One of the major features of Diwali is the famous story of Prince Rama and his wife Sita. The story comes from a book called the Ramayana and is popular among Hindus everywhere. It is sometimes retold using pictures and dance. Try to find out about the story. Are Diwali celebrations similar to any other celebrations that you know?  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 7- Harvest Preparations

What an exciting week we had last week! I’m pleased to hear that you enjoyed our visits to the Sports’ Festival at AMVC and the Hindu Temple in Peterborough. Share this short film with your parents and tell them all about our wonderful experience.
This week we will be preparing for our Harvest Service on Friday. Hopefully some of you will get a reply from the letters you wrote inviting guests to join us for that celebration? Mrs Humphreys will be taking ‘baking groups’ on Thursday to prepare the refreshments.
This week’s Blog Challenge- Noah saw 12 legs walk past him on their way into the Ark. How many creatures did he see? What is the least number of creatures he could have seen? What is the greatest...? Explain your ideas.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Open Morning

I need to pass on a special thanks to all the Year 6 children who showed our visitors around this morning. The parents were very impressed with your conduct and behaviour and both Mr Wainwright and myself are very proud of you all- well done!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 6 - Animal Antics!

The theme for this week will be Indian wildlife. I hope you are already busy researching different animals for your homework task. We also have a special ‘Blog Challenge’. Practise your WOW words and descriptive vocabulary and write a description of an animal in no more than 50 words. Post it on the Blog and we will see if we can guess what your animal might be.
On Tuesday the Year 6 children will be showing our visitors around school at Open Morning. We have 2 visits planned this week; on Wednesday we are visiting AMVC for a Sports’ Festival (don’t forget the early 8.50am start) and on Thursday we will be visiting the Hindu Mandir in Peterborough.
And finally- our class cake stall last week raised a grand total of £96.39- well done everyone!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 5- 'Wonderful Writing' and learning about different climatic regions in India

Well done everyone for making such a brilliant start on our Class Blog last week! If you need help adding a comment, I can go through it again with you this week. Following the visit from Penny from Action Aid, you should all be busy with this week's homework on Life In Chembakolli.
Our India topic is now well under way and  we will be continuing with our printing and finding out more about the different climatic regions within India. Get ready to be Wonderful Writers- I can't wait to read your stories about Jaspal and Nazakhat!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 4: India- a land of contrasts and a special visitor!

Hopefully we will be able to start our class blog this week (remember to get those consent forms signed and handed in)! We will be continuing to learn about Hinduism and try to answer the question-where and how do Hindus worship? We have planned a visit to the Hindu temple in a couple of weeks time so start thinking of any questions that you may have- you can add these to our Blog page.
We will be learning about the contrasting landscapes in India and we have a special visitor in school on Thursday from Action Aid who will be sharing her experiences on life in a small village in India called Chembakolli. Where is it? Can you locate it on a map of India?
Don't forget to complete your own 'avatars' for your homework to be handed in by Friday.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Welcome to Our Class Blog!

Week 1:
Here is our Class Blog!  I will explain what we will be learning about each week on our weekly post.  You can add comments to show what you have learnt over the week and can ask questions about our lessons.  Help answer each others questions so we work as a 'learning team'.
Remember to follow our Code of Conduct for IT, don't ever use your surname and give your address out, sign as anonymous and leave your first name at the end of your post.
I look forward to sharing this 'online' learning with you all and you too parents...
Mrs. Green