Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week 14: How many sleeps until Christmas?

Well done everyone! The dress rehearsal went really well on Friday and I hope you have had a good rest this weekend so that you are ready to give 101% in the performances on Monday and Tuesday for your parents and friends.
The KS2 Christmas party is on Wednesday afternoon and our Christmas lunch is on Thursday. The term ends with our Carol Service on Friday morning.

Why not try to write the beginning of a Christmas story in 50 words and add it to our Blog?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 13: Christmas Celebrations

I hope you have all been busy learning your lines over the weekend for our final few days of rehearsals. Costumes need to be in tomorrow so that we can check that everything is ready for our run through and Dress Rehearsal on Thursday and Friday.
The choir will be singing at The Acres on Tuesday and we will be holding our annual Paper Chain Competition.

Have a go at this Nrich Christmas Maths Challenge-
Mrs Claus made four of the workshop elves new suits for Christmas.
Each suit had matching trousers, waistcoat, jacket and hat.
One suit was all red, one was all green, one was all yellow and one was all blue. The elves were delighted with their presents, but decided it would be fun to wear a different outfit every day for as many days as possible. So they agreed to swap around parts of their suits until they ran out of new combinations.
How many days did their fun last?