Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 5: Rockets!

Following your visit to the Space Centre last week, you will be designing and making your own rocket so don ’t forget to bring in an empty 2 litre bottle.
We will also be continuing to use calculators to solve number puzzles.
Click on this activity to help you to find all the prime numbers less than 100.
Now try to solve this puzzle-
Can you make any square number by adding two prime numbers together?
eg. 4 = 2 + 2
      9 = 2 + 7
     16 = 5 + 11
So far so good! But can you carry on?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 4: Space Centre Visit

We have another busy week ahead of us!
 Please remember to bring in your permission slip and be prepared for an early start on Tuesday morning when we visit the National Space Centre at Leicester. You will need to be in school by 8.30am ready for a prompt departure. We will go through all the arrangements tomorrow at school.
There is a School Council Meeting on Thursday so the class representatives need to organise a time to go through the Minutes of the last meeting and collect ideas to take to the next meeting.
This week we will be investigating all the Planets- in music, art and ICT- and of course on our visit on Tuesday.   

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 3: Earth, Sun and Moon

Over the next term, many of you will be invited to represent Barnack School at various events. Jack and Cara attended the BETT Show in London on Friday to ‘try out’ new ICT resources for school, and they will be sharing some of their finds with you this week.
Year 4, 5 and 6 Booster sessions start on Tuesday afternoon and Callum and Elise will be attending a Writers’ Workshop in Peterborough on Thursday.
You started the ‘Lost in Space’ topic really well last week with your ideas about the Earth, Sun and Moon. What do you know about their relative sizes and how they move?
Add your information to our Blog and check all the comments that are added.    

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week 2: Lost in Space

Well done to everyone who has shared their 'New Year Resolution' on our Blog. If you haven't managed to post your ideas, why not spend a few minutes at lunchtime logging onto the computers at school? I was very impressed on Friday with your creativity and Wonderful Writing about what our topic countdown could be- I will be choosing some of your work to go on the 'Countdown Board' in the library.
The new term is really starting with a bang, with a pantomime on Monday morning. Reading Buddy sessions start on Tuesday and the first School Council meeting for the new class representatives will be on Thursday.
Have a go at this Thinking Things Through investigation- you might need to do some Science research first.
If it takes a rocket 2 days and 6 hours to travel 1 million kilometres, investigate how long it would take you to travel to other planets in the solar system.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope you have had a brilliant Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
The Blog has been very quiet and had a 'rest' over the holiday period but now it is up and running again ready for the term ahead.
Traditionally at this time of the year we think about New Year Resolutions- what are you going to try to do (or not do) at the start of 2012?