Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 8: Is there life on Mars?

What do you think? Add your ideas to our Blog.
A few reminders for the coming week-
Parents’ Evenings on Monday and Tuesday
World Book Day on Thursday- bring in a favourite picture book to share with the younger children and receive your World Book Day Book Token
Friday- National Sing Up Day
Don’t forget to work on your design for the Jubilee Celebrations programme cover- Mr Wainwright has extended the deadline so that you can all have a go!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 7: Pancake Races and the beginning of Lent

I hope you have all had a great half term break!
This week we will be holding our annual Pancake Races on Tuesday so don’t forget your frying pans. The Ash Wednesday service at Church starts at 9.30am and at the end of the day, the Marie Curie Pots of Care daffodils will be on sale outside the classroom.
Parents’ Evenings will be held next week so please remember to bring in your reply slip as soon as possible.
Let’s start this half-term with a Maths Puzzle- you will need to check that you know your square numbers before you start.
Mrs Green pinned numbers onto the backs of three children: Matthew, Ben and Joshua.
Now", she said, "Those three numbers add to a special kind of number. What is it?"
Madeleine put her hand up.
"It's a square number", she answered.
"Correct", smiled Mrs Green.
"Oh!" exclaimed Matthew, "The two numbers I can see also add to a square!"
"And me!" called out Ben, "The two numbers I can see add to a square too!"
"Oh dear", said Joshua disappointedly, "the two numbers I can see don't add to a square! It's either too little or too big!"
What numbers did the three children have on their backs?

Can you solve the puzzle? Any correct answers handed to me (with an explanation of your method) will earn a reward point.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 6: Astrotours Planet Promotions

This week you will be continuing your research on the different planets to help you put together your planet presentations. What does your planet look like? How will you recreate it using collage techniques?
On Thursday we are welcoming some special visitors to celebrate the school’s 60th Birthday. The year 6 children will be showing our guests around the school and the Year 5 children will be helping Mrs Humphreys make cakes and biscuits for the celebration.
What questions would you like to ask our visitors? How has Barnack school changed over the last 60 years?