Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week 3: Myths and Legends

Last week seemed unusually quiet on the Blog- perhaps you were too busy with Bikeability and attending the Poetry workshop? Well done Year 6 cyclists; the trainers were very impressed with your behaviour and positive attitude throughout the course.
This week we will be continuing to learn about Greek myths and legends and finding out about famous Greeks eg Homer. (No, not Homer Simpson!) Who was he ? What do we know about him? What is he famous for?
The new music for Maypole dancing has finally arrived so we will be testing it out before our May Day assembly on Friday. Congratulations to our May King and Queen, Callum and Annina!
Don't forget to leave a comment on our shared Blog with Ravensthorpe School.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Summer Term Week 2: Bikeability and a Special Visitor

Welcome back to the Summer Term!

How many days till the Olympics? How many days left at Barnack School for our Year 6 children?

We will be having a special visitor in school on Monday to start off this term’s topic. Some children will be representing Barnack School at a Poetry Workshop at John Clare Cottage in Helpston and the Year 6 children have their Bikeability sessions this week. Don’t forget your bicycles, helmets and raincoats!

Thinking Things Through Challenge

Remember the work we were doing on Friday? Now try this- calculate approximately how much of your life you have spent in the bath or having a shower. Remember to round numbers, to explain your reasoning and to record each step clearly and systematically.