Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week 7: Jubilee and Sports' Day preparations

I hope the sun continues to shine for our final week before half term- please remember sun hats and water bottles!
We need to sort out our entrants and novelty races for Sports' Day on Thursday and the girls have a football game against North Luffenham on Tuesday after school.
On Friday morning there will be a whole school photo so everyone needs to look neat and tidy!
This week is also the build up to the Royal Jubilee celebrations- what would you do if you could be King or Queen for a day?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 6: Where did the Ancient Greeks worship?

Well done everyone with your tests last week! I know that you all showed great determination and worked very hard.
Hopefully this week we will get back to our 'normal' weekly routine. You need your outdoor PE kit in school every day; it is National Cricket Day on Tuesday and we will be practising for Sports Day on Wednesday.
Our friends from Ravensthorpe Primary School have started to add comments on our shared Blog- please find time to reply to them and add your own comments.
Why not try this Maths Puzzle?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 5: Year 5 and Year 6 Test Week

Well done to all the runners who took part in the Barnack Fun Run on Saturday. The sun shone and Mrs Dunn reported much better times for the events than last year.  

Reminders for this week- you need to make sure that you get to bed on time this week (no late nights!) so that you are wide awake for Test Week. You will also need your water bottle in the classroom each day.

As Sports’ Day is fast approaching, you need your outdoor PE kit in school every day so that we can go out and practise at every opportunity.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 4: Storytelling linked to War with Troy

Well done everybody- the May Day assembly was brilliant! Your dancing was very impressive and I was so proud of every single one of you.
This week we will be continuing with our storytelling sessions based on War with Troy, and you will have an opportunity to try out your own storytelling skills.
We will be having visitors from both BGS and AMVC to speak to the Year 6 children about their new schools. Swimming is on Friday this week and we need to start to prepare for Sports' Day.
A Maths puzzle for you to try-
Make the number in the centre of the target board in the least number of hits. Tell us on the Blog how many you can do it in, but don't give away your answer.