Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 13: Arts' Week

Please remember to bring your PE kit for our Dance sessions this week. You also need to wear clothes suitable for painting and messy work!
Make a million....
Has anyone made a million yet?
Look back to last week's post to see Jack's strategic thinking on how he has tackled the problem.

You will also need a strong plastic bag in school on Thursday to take your books and work home in.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Week 12: Greek Theatre

What information can you find out about Greek theatre to add to your Legacy of the Greeks power point?
Are you ready for a Maths Challenge? Follow these instructions and try to make a spiral- bring it into the classroom and teach the rest of the class.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 11: The Legacy of the Greeks

What did the Greeks do for us? What evidence can we see of the Ancient Greek culture today?
Don't forget to remind your parents about our Open Afternoon on Tuesday.
Kings' School and AMVC children will be visiting their new school on Wednesday and we will be having a move- through session at Barnack before playtime.
Soke Athletics and the Regional Netball Finals are both on Thursday and our last swimming session is on Friday.
Still lots to do before the end of term!