Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 8: Harvest Celebrations

Thank you to all the Year 6 children who acted as tour guides for our visitors to school on Thursday. I had very good reports on both your enthusiasm and behaviour- well done!
 This week our harvest celebrations start with the Harvest service in Church on Tuesday morning. Please remember to bring a coat in case of cold/ wet weather.
Wednesday is non-uniform 'Wear your Wellies ' to school day for a donation to the Farm Africa charity. Hopefully we will go outside for a Welly Wanging competition during the afternoon.
On Thursday the Year 6 children have been invited to Burghley House for a Victorian day.
After the Harvest assembly in school on Friday welly biscuits will be on sale for 20p, and we will round the week off with a Reward Time class disco on Friday morning.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week 7: Victorian buildings

Well done everyone! I was very proud of your attentiveness and behaviour when Mr Graham came in on Friday to tell us all about the Great Exhibition.
This week we are going to continue working on our Victorian street scene- what will your house look like? What specific Victorian features will it have?
Our class representatives on the School Council will be leading the assembly on Monday and telling the school about our Harvest Collection. Some of the Year 6 children will also be showing visitors and parents around on Thursday at our Open Morning.
Please remember to use this Blog to share your ideas and learning...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 6: How did transport change in Victorian times?

A painting to make you think... Where do you think it might be? Who can you see in the painting? Where are they going? How are they feeling?

We have another busy week ahead of us. You will need your outdoor PE kit for Wednesday when we attend the Basketball Tournament at AMVC. On Friday, a special visitor is coming into the class to talk to us about The Great Exhibition.