Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 7; What was rationed during the war?

I'm so pleased that we are back in action with a working computer... nevertheless there are still some technical hitches (like not being able to add a picture to this post).
Investigate rationing during the war for our lesson on Wednesday and add your findings to the Blog. Can you record the information in a sentence which includes a semi-colon?
Parents' Evenings are this week so we will be having a tray and classroom tidy up! Booster sessions are on Tuesday and hopefully we will be starting cookery groups later in the week. Can you find any wartime recipes?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 6: What was life like in wartime Britain?

Welcome back to school after a busy half term- I hope you have all had a lovely break.
This week we will be visiting Church for a Lent Service on Tuesday morning so please remember to bring your coat. PE kits are needed as normal on Wednesday and Friday and half term homework should be handed in by Friday.
Mrs Green has had major problems with her computer this holiday and is hoping that all the work that she has been busily doing can be retrieved.
I have borrowed a school laptop to use in the classroom but you will need to be very patient with technology this week (even more than usual) and hopefully normal business will be resumed as soon as possible...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 5: What happened to children in other countries?

This week we will be learning how the war impacted children all over Europe.
Imagine you are on a boat travelling to England. What would you say to your friends? How would you feel?
Add a short dialogue to the Blog based on these pictures. Remember to punctuate your dialogue accurately.
At 6.00pm on Tuesday there will be a meeting to discuss the arrangements for our Scarborough Residential Visit
Don't forget to bring in your frying pan and pancake for our traditional races at the start of the day on Friday.