Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 6: Year 5 Tests Week and Preparations for Sports' Day

Well done to the Year 6 children who worked really hard during SATs week- I know that the Year 5 children are going to work equally as hard this week.
We have another busy week ahead of us with visitors from Kirkstone House, Kings' School and AMVC to talk to you about transition to Secondary School. There will be a Gold Book assembly on Tuesday and hopefully a Cricket Coaching session on Wednesday. The House Captains will be busy this week helping to sort out the entrants for the races for Sports' Day on Thursday afternoon, starting at 1.30pm. There will be a swimming session as normal on Friday morning.
PE Kits are needed in school every day!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 5: Which coastal areas have you visited in Great Britain?

Just a few more of our 'Scarborough photos'. Please bring in a photo or picture of an area of coastline around the British Isles. You need to be able to locate the place on a map of Great Britain and be able to tell us about any special geographical features that it has.
Another busy week ahead...
Y6 SATs week- please get to bed early because we want everyone to be awake and ready to give 110% ! We will try to fit in a Reward session on Tuesday (when you have decided what you would like it to be) and PE kits will be needed, especially at the end of the week, when we start to practise our races for Sports' Day.
Please remember swimming kits on Friday morning.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 4: Back to School!

I hope you have all had a restful Bank Holiday weekend and are ready for a busy week ahead. We need to practise May Pole dances and readings for the May Day assembly on Friday morning. On Wednesday the Cricket Coach should be taking a session after play (full PE kits needed!) and I will need some help with the new teacher interviews on Thursday- showing our visitors around the school and taking part in the School Council interviews.
And of course..... final preparations for Y6 SATs which start on Monday 13th May.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 4: Whitby- the Abbey, fun on the beach and games at the hotel.

The final pictures of our Scarborough visit..... but there are many more to share when we get back to school. Thank you for all your messages; I have shared them with the children each day and they have loved hearing news from home.
Cases are partially packed ready for a prompt get away in the morning. We hope to be back at school by 3pm but will contact Mrs Baker if anything changes.
Hopefully everything will come home in the correct case but if not, we can sort it out on Tuesday!
Be prepared for some very excited but exhausted children and enjoy a restful 'long' weekend.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 3: Mallyan Spout and Robin Hood's Bay

Another action packed day .....
Lauren said, "We went scrambling over rocks and walked across the waterfall."
Jasmine said, "We played Pooh-sticks at Mallyan Spout."
Rose said, "We went rock pooling today at Robin Hood's Bay; we found hermit crabs and anemones."
Kallum and Matthew said, "We found this whopper! It is a male shore crab."
Roma said, "On the village trail we saw a coffin window."
Reece said, "We played on the adventure playground. We couldn't go on the beach because the tide was in."