Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 5: Why did Henry marry so many times?

A few snapshots of the term so far...

This week we will be continuing  with our Henry VIII writing and collage work. We will be looking more closely at the reasons for Henry's many marriages. 
Try out this puzzle- record the answer to just one of the numbers to allow everyone to have a go!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 4: Was Henry VIII a good king?

What sort of person was he? What do you think?
Think back to our Special Time activity last week....
If 24 is the answer, what might the question be? Be creative and imaginative!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 3: The Spanish Armada

Well done everyone- we have had a brilliant start to the new term.
This week we will be continuing our research on Tudor explorers and finding out what life would have been like aboard the sailing ships. What jobs did people do? What did they eat and drink? How did they defend themselves?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 2: Tudor explorers

 This week we will be researching famous Tudor explorers. Who do you think might have sailed in this boat? What would life have been like at sea?
This week the Life Education Bus is visiting school and our first Gold Book assembly of the term will be on Friday morning.
Reminder- You will need your PE kits in school on Wednesdays and Fridays this year.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome back!

Hello everyone.
I hope you have all had a super Summer break and are ready for a busy term ahead. Mrs Humphreys and I have been getting the classroom ready for action on Wednesday and are looking forward to seeing you all.
Remember this is your Class Blog where you can add your ideas and comments, share your learning or just keep in touch. Please remember to write clearly in accurately punctuated sentences (no text speak!) and always sign off with just your Christian name- with a capital letter!
PS. Good luck to all the 'new' Year 7 children moving on to your new schools this week- don't forget to let us know how you are getting on.