Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 12: Preparations for Winter Fayre

This week the hall timetable will be in place for us to start practising the Christmas play.
There will be football games at Barnack on Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Turner has also kindly offered to come into school the same afternoon to help with baking for the Christmas Fayre which is on Friday after school. Please remember to ask your parents if you are able to help with the Year 6 games and activities. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 11: Health and Hygiene in Tudor times

Did the Tudors lead a healthy lifestyle? What were their cures for illnesses and diseases?

This week we will hopefully be starting to look at the script and the songs for the Christmas play so get those singing and speaking voices ready for auditions.
Please remember PE kits on Monday for our Dance session and the children playing football on Wednesday need to return their signed permission slip to school as soon as possible.
We will also be continuing with our Power down activities this week- a Cycle Challenge on Monday afternoon and an assembly followed by a workshop session on Friday morning.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Week 10: What did the Tudors do for entertainment?

A huge thank you to those children who started us off by presenting your talks last week- they were brilliant! I look forward to learning more information about the Tudors in the next few weeks.
Hopefully this week we will be spending some time looking at different poems and poets. Have you got a favourite poem that you can bring in to share?
On Monday you will need to remember to bring a coat for our walk to the War Memorial. On Wednesday a group of Y6 children will be representing Barnack at a Technology day at AMVC.
Don't forget Children in Need on Friday!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week 9: How different were the lives of the rich and the poor?

Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable half-term break? What exciting things have you been doing? What interesting things did you learn on our Burghley visit?
Now back to work....  and the run up to Christmas.
Have you been thinking about ideas for your Christmas card design? These will need to be done this week.
PE will be on Mondays instead of Wednesdays this half term so please remember your  PE kit.
There will be a special Bonfire Lunch on Tuesday 5th November and the netball team are out on Wednesday afternoon.
If you have been busy preparing your Tudor talk and are ready to go, you can add your name to the timetable.
See you soon!