Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week 15: Christmas is almost here...

Well done everyone- the afternoon play performance was great- 99%! We are now aiming for 100% for the evening performance.
On Tuesday you need to remember your PE kits and the choir will need a coat to walk down to The Acres.
The Christingle Service is at Church on Wednesday morning and you need to bring a change of clothes for the party on Wednesday afternoon. Christmas lunch is on Thursday and we end the term with the Carol Service on Friday morning. Almost there!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 14: Last few days of rehearsals....

We have an exciting week ahead of us...
I hope you have been busy learning your lines over the weekend because there will be no scripts allowed on stage this week. We now need to focus on your acting skills!
Costumes need to be in school to be checked; there will be a full run through in costume on Wednesday afternoon so that we can sort out the lights and music.
On Thursday morning we will be watching the KS1 Dress rehearsal and they will be joining us for our Dress rehearsal on Friday morning.

What have you learnt about Nelson Mandela? What sort of person was he? What questions would you have liked to ask him?


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 13: The beginning of Advent

What an exciting but sad day we had on Friday. A big thank you to all those children who helped on the stalls at the Winter Fayre and especially to Mrs Turner who came in to help make shortbread stars and Christmas trees.
 It was sad to say goodbye to Leoni and Giulia but we send our love and very best wishes to them and their family as they move to France. We know that Leoni will update us on her adventures on our Blog!
This week our Christmas preparations will begin... The stage will be up for play rehearsals so keep learning all those lines. The Christmas post box will be in the library and your parents will be able to order their tickets for the plays.