Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 4: What are your views on poaching?

Through reading our class text, we learn that Danny's dad is a poacher. What do you think about this? Does this make him a bad person? Share your views on the Blog.
Following a very rainy weekend, I think we may be in for some colder weather this week. Please remember your coats for playtimes, and of course your wellies  if you would like to play on the field.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week 3: Danny the Champion of the World

I hope you all enjoyed our special visitor Anthony Pedley, who 'kicked off' our Once Upon A Time topic last week. I am really excited about reading and studying 'Danny' in great depth. What questions would you like to ask Danny about living in a caravan?
Please remember your full PE kits for the Rugby session on Monday afternoon with our visitor from AMVC. Maths Booster sessions will be on Tuesday this week instead of Wednesday.
Thank you for your comments on the Blog last week with your ideas about how the story should continue. With our 'Punctuation' focus this term, you need to check that your comments are punctuated carefully; I hope I don't have to remove any comments for 'sloppy' recording. Come on, you can do it!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 2: Once upon a time...

This week we will be having a special visitor to introduce this term's topic...
Using this traditional story starter we are going to try to start a class story by adding only one (accurately punctuated) sentence each.
Once upon a time, in a deep, dark forest, there stood a tiny cottage.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Spring term 2014: Week 1- Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!
At the start of the New Year we celebrate the Epiphany? Why? How?
People sometimes make New Year Resolutions... have you made any? I hope you all had an amazing Christmas holiday with your families and friends. It will soon be time to get ready to go back to school on Tuesday. Please remember to pack your full PE kit including a sweatshirt and joggers as the weather is getting colder.