Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 7: Will the 'Sleeping Beauty' plan work?

Welcome back everyone!
I hope you've all had a great half term break and I look forward to catching-up with all your news.
Back to school means remembering everything that you need each day - it would be useful to have your PE kit in school all week ready for any extra practices because I know that Soke football and netball are coming up very soon.

Can you write an interesting character description? Remember to include description, action and dialogue.
Use this as your starting line...

The tall figure stood in the doorway. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week 6: E-Safety Week

Please remind your parents about the E Safety workshop tomorrow, Monday 10th February, at 6.30pm- they are all very welcome.
When you are online, always remember the SMART code!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 5: Why are Roald Dahl's characters so interesting?

Who is your favourite character from a Roald Dahl story? Why? How are they described?
This week we will learn more about Doc Spencer...

The weeks get busier and busier but we are going to try to fit a Reward Time (bench ball session) in on Tuesday afternoon.

Try this Maths Challenge; can you work out the number?
This number is a multiple of 11 and 7. The product of its digits is 6.
Any correct answers handed to me will get a reward point.