Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week 12: Our visit to Walcot Estate

Only one week left now until the Easter break!
We need to prepare for the Palm Service in school on Friday morning and get ready for our Walcot visit on Wednesday afternoon.
What customs and traditions do you know, in England and abroad, that are linked to Easter time?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 11: Bikeability

Please remember to get your bike ready for cycle training this week and don't forget your safety helmet!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week 10: 999 visit and Sport Relief fundraising

Well done to all the teams, cross country, netball and football, for your super efforts last week.
On Monday we will be visiting Peterborough City Hospital to learn about what happens in the A&E Department in an emergency so please arrive at school promptly.
We are having the 'special' Year 6 group photo taken on Tuesday so please bring along anything that you would like to be holding that would reflect your interests and hobbies, eg musical instrument or sports equipment.
The netball team have a game against Peterborough School on Wednesday afternoon and on Friday the School Council have organised a fundraising day for Sport Relief.
Add some Sporty word problems to the Blog for your friends to answer...
I need 7004 red  footballs and 639 blue footballs?
 They come in packs of 10. How many packs do I
need to buy?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 9: Pheasant Phenomena

This week you will be continuing to be news reporters to update your readers with the strange happenings at the Filling Station.
We have another busy week ahead with some children doing Cross Country at Copthill on Monday afternoon. Tuesday is Science Day- packed with fun experiments and activities. After school on Wednesday there will be football and netball games against Castor (at Barnack). Soke Football and Netball games are at AMVC on Thursday afternoon so a real sporting week!
Imagine you are the news reporter interviewing one of the onlookers at the filling station. What would you write in your report? Would you use direct or reported speech?

Mr Victor Hazell was horrified at the sight. "But they are my pheasants," he shouted, "and they have ruined  my beautiful Rolls Royce!"
Mr Victor Hazell was horrified at the sight. He said that they were his pheasants and that they had  ruined his beautiful Rolls Royce.
Enjoy some photos from last week...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 8: Rockabye Baby

Well, we are nearly at the end of the book and it just gets more and more exciting... I agree with Isobel, I don't want it to end!
A huge thank you to Mrs Humphreys for displaying your beautiful collage work- it looks amazing. Now the fun starts with the DT project.
We have a busy week ahead with Pancake races on Tuesday morning and walking to Church on Wednesday for the Ash Wednesday Service at 9.30am. It is World Book day on Thursday and you are invited to come to school dressed as a favourite character from a book.
Thank you for all your character descriptions last week; you really are becoming 'Wonderful Writers'.