Sunday, April 27, 2014

Week 2: Where in the world would you like to travel?

If you could go anywhere, where in the world would you like to travel? Why? What would you take with you?

Please remember to have your PE kit and trainers in school every day so that we can prepare for the May Day assembly on Friday (weather permitting).
Thank you to those children who researched information on the patron saint of Scotland and added comments to the Blog. Don't forget to come and collect your Reward Point from me.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Summer Term 2014: Here, there and everywhere...

Welcome back everyone!
I hope you have all had a great Easter break and are ready for your final term at Barnack School.
This term's topic has a Geography focus and we will be learning about places in Great Britain, in Europe and around the world.
Have you visited an interesting place during your holiday? Can you locate it on a map and explain where it is?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What a brilliant afternoon!

Once upon a time some children visited Walcot Estate. Their very own game keeper, Jack, showed them around and some kind ladies helped with the transport. The afternoon ended with an expedition

 into the unknown....the unforgettable swamp....
A huge thank you to everyone who helped us have such an exciting afternoon!