Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Open Morning

I need to pass on a special thanks to all the Year 6 children who showed our visitors around this morning. The parents were very impressed with your conduct and behaviour and both Mr Wainwright and myself are very proud of you all- well done!


Anonymous said...

I showed round my neighbours dads sister and husband!

Anonymous said...

Ok, i knew someone who came and look at the school with a little girl and a little boy.
I think that opening day went very well.
It was so fun today when we went to AMVC to do the sports, i was in the group that were doing fencing, it was really really fun.
Samantha xx

Anonymous said...

The climbing today was great!

Anonymous said...

I think that the open morning went very well yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Have any of you lot tried the dance mat touch typing game on the blog yet?
Samantha xx

Anonymous said...

Well done year 6's.

Anonymous said...

All of you should have done archary it was so cool.
yesturday was so wicked and fun showing people round our school.


Anonymous said...

I hope that it will bbe good at the temple tomorrow

Anonymous said...

I hope that the temple visit will be brilliant tomorrow. I cant wait to take off my shoes when we get there!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Hindu temple or Mandir. I wonder what we will be doing there.

Anonymous said...

The Hindu temple was brill today and all of the gods look amazing i draw picture of one of them but it was`nt that good,
ok, then i will see you all tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Mrs green I sent my home work to the office but i dont think it had my name on it. so I will see if mrs Baker can find it.

Anonymous said...

I think it was fun showing the parents round the school and they all said at the end they didnt have any questions to ask because we had already answered them all.


Anonymous said...

I really liked Archery.

Anonymous said...

I have tried the typing game.

Anonymous said...

The Hindu temple was really good.

Anonymous said...

The hindu temple was realy intresting to watch. The biscets were scrumshus.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the Hindu temple.