Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 5- 'Wonderful Writing' and learning about different climatic regions in India

Well done everyone for making such a brilliant start on our Class Blog last week! If you need help adding a comment, I can go through it again with you this week. Following the visit from Penny from Action Aid, you should all be busy with this week's homework on Life In Chembakolli.
Our India topic is now well under way and  we will be continuing with our printing and finding out more about the different climatic regions within India. Get ready to be Wonderful Writers- I can't wait to read your stories about Jaspal and Nazakhat!


Mr. Wainwright said...

Great photo! Pleased to read how much you enjoyed the Action Aid visit Elise in your comments.
Footballers don't forget to return those reply slips, kits will be given out on Wednesday lunchtime.
I look forward to reading all your Wonderful Writing this week, please come and share with me.
Have a great week....

Mrs. Green said...

Just a reminder that it is our class cake stall this Thursday at 3.30pm.Mrs Humphreys will be baking with you during the morning on Thursday and any contributions from home will be gratefully received.

Anonymous said...

My mum makes brilliant cakes!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to play in a football tomorrow and the cake sale on thursday.


Anonymous said...

We are going to thrash Northborough tomorrow and I'm going to save all the goals. I wonder what cakes are going to be popluar on Thursday.

Mr. Wainwright said...

Well played all you footballers, 'A' team don't worry about the result, we'll play them at home soon.
Especially well done to all the new players: Elise, Fleur, Kyra, Reece and Joshua, you were all excellent.

Anonymous said...

Hi mrs green i would just like to say that i loved the cake stall that we had today and william loved eating the cakes that he brought,
can i say that i found out what the saying are and i have them all ready for tomorrow to share with the class.
Samantha xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

oh and when is the next football match
Samantha xxxxx

Anonymous said...

The cake stall went brilliantly. I would love to do it again. I'm so excited about the sports festival and the visit to the Hindu temple.

Mrs. Green said...

Well done everyone and thank you parents for your donations of cakes today. Thank you Mrs Humphreys for making cakes and helping the children with the cake decorating. I'm pleased you enjoyed it Samantha and Jack- we have more cakes to make for the refreshments for the Harvest Service in a couple of weeks time so the baking will go on!
Well done for solving the codes Samantha- Mr Wainwright was puzzling over them and he even needed a clue for one of them.
Don't forget your coats tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I hope i remember my coat today
Samantha xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

yum yum I have just eaten the cakes from the cake tall on thursday!!!


Anonymous said...

I loved the cake stall the cakes where deliciouse.