Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 6 - Animal Antics!

The theme for this week will be Indian wildlife. I hope you are already busy researching different animals for your homework task. We also have a special ‘Blog Challenge’. Practise your WOW words and descriptive vocabulary and write a description of an animal in no more than 50 words. Post it on the Blog and we will see if we can guess what your animal might be.
On Tuesday the Year 6 children will be showing our visitors around school at Open Morning. We have 2 visits planned this week; on Wednesday we are visiting AMVC for a Sports’ Festival (don’t forget the early 8.50am start) and on Thursday we will be visiting the Hindu Mandir in Peterborough.
And finally- our class cake stall last week raised a grand total of £96.39- well done everyone!


Anonymous said...

We have yet another very busy week ahead. I am looking forward to reading the blog challenge descriptions.I am sure there will be some really great WOW words used as the class usually choose much better words than the VCOP game comes up with.
Mrs Humphreys

Anonymous said...

I like the new challenge i am going to be thinking for some wow words

Anonymous said...

This animal lives high up in the trees in mountains in Indonesia and China. It gets it's name from it's long,razor sharp spines on it's neck. It's long toes have fringed scales that help it cling to branches. This animal is a reptile with a bony tail.

Anonymous said...

Cool typing game i will try to get to the last leval as soon as possible, See you all tomorrow.

Mrs. Green said...

I think Jack's animal might be some sort of lizard? Has anyone got any ideas?

Mrs. Green said...

Where are all my 'Wonderful Writers?'
Let me start you off...
A huge grey mountain lumbers across the grassy plain. Colossal ears flap away at the insects, keeping it cool. Tiny eyes like pins hide under long curled lashes. Gleaming tusks are a poacher's dream. It is a gentle giant, caring for its young.

Anonymous said...

It is a type of lizard. But what type is it?I'll give you a clue, it begins with R

Anonymous said...

Mrs Green is your animal an elephant?

Mr. Wainwright said...

Jack I think you're right!
Wonderful Writing Mrs. Green. I look forward to reading some more soon.
Samantha I'm glad you are enjoying the touch typing link, has anyone else used it?

Anonymous said...

An elephant!

Anonymous said...

Josh i think youres is an elephant.
Am i correct?


Anonymous said...

My challenge
It has long wings.
It eats juicy fruit.
It can be a browny orange and black.
It awakes at pitch black night.

Anonymous said...

It is a mammal and it lays eggs Ben

Anonymous said...

I am going to think of wow words for the blog.


Anonymous said...

It has a very poisoinus bite and is extremely dangerous. It eats crocodile eggs.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

marriane it is a fox bat Ben

Anonymous said...

Mariannes is a fox bat!

Anonymous said...

What animal lived in the dinersaure time its could not kill a tyranasuras rex

Anonymous said...

It is nocturnal and it is dangerous to man.


Anonymous said...

Is your animal a boa constrictor Stephen!

Anonymous said...

It is very big it has black bushy fur people in india train then to dance and they are very dangerous
What is it

Anonymous said...

Is Stephens a King Cobra.

Anonymous said...

Katie, is it a cowbra?

Anonymous said...

Is your animal a platypus Ben

Anonymous said...

stephen is it a king cobra?

Anonymous said...

No Callum it is not.


Anonymous said...

Is your animal a black bear Katie?

Anonymous said...

is it a Kimono Dragon Stephen.

Anonymous said...

My animal is big and fluffy. He has sharp teeth, and he has stripes on his fur.

Anonymous said...

What thing lived in the dinersaure time its could not kill a tyranasuras rex and walkes and has two legs and has a club who wheres a club.

Anonymous said...

Katie is youres a black bear?

Anonymous said...

it originates in southern india
the male has a brown ring around its neck the end of its beak points down and is extremely pointy
its cousin is african its cousin is located in west africa to southern sudan

Anonymous said...

What does it begin with Ethan?I bet your animal is the best.

Mrs. Green said...

I'm really pleased to read all your comments today! Watch those capital letters for proper nouns and remember to punctuate your sentences carefully. What do questions need?

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, guess what i know what jacks animal is i think, a monitor lizard,

Anonymous said...

About Jack's clue for his animal,
there are lots of Lizards beginning with R.

Anonymous said...

My challenge
it has a black back it has 2 horns that cannot grow straight and it begins with B.

Anonymous said...

They like to live in family groups,
They are cheeky and mischievous too,
They live high up in the tree tops.
Searching for different fruits,
They squeal to say hello to one another
And if anyone is walking by with food,
The food will vanish in the blink of and eye,
And all the Remains will tumble down to the ground.


Anonymous said...

Is Rose's animal a bull and Elise's animal a monkey. My lizard starts with RI

Anonymous said...

My animal is not a monitor lizard.

Anonymous said...

Katie is your a black bear?

Anonymous said...

Is katies a black bear????


Anonymous said...

Is yours a Indian Black Buck Antelope Rose?


Anonymous said...

Can't anyone guess my animal?

Anonymous said...

Is Ethan's animal a common myna?

Anonymous said...

Elise your right

Anonymous said...

Elise is yours a Monkey.

Anonymous said...

Only one person has got my riddle and they spelt it wrongly so I will give you a clue, it is the largest lizard on earth.
