Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 8: Diwali celebrations!

I hope you have all had a brilliant half term break and enjoyed an extra hour in bed on Sunday morning. What exciting things have you all been doing?
This week we will be celebrating Diwali with a shared activity day on Tuesday. Remember- you can come to school dressed for the occasion in brightly coloured clothes if you wish.
One of the major features of Diwali is the famous story of Prince Rama and his wife Sita. The story comes from a book called the Ramayana and is popular among Hindus everywhere. It is sometimes retold using pictures and dance. Try to find out about the story. Are Diwali celebrations similar to any other celebrations that you know?  


Anonymous said...

We had to get up early to go to rugby and I'm really excited about not going to school on Tuesday. Hope you had a great time at the harvest assembly while I was in Suffolk.

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow when we can go in bright clothes it will be really fun!

Anonymous said...

This week has been really fun. We enjoyed Diwali day and dressing up in bright clothes. We have made lots of new friends.
Lauren and Madeleine

Anonymous said...

I think Madeleine and Lauren have setteld in really well!

Anonymous said...

thanks Annie.I hope i have!


Anonymous said...

Great week including Diwali day the pe was extremly good+the music


Anonymous said...

Dawali is like new years eve.


Anonymous said...

Diwali day was really fun and i learnt loads.


Mrs. Green said...

I'm pleased that you all enjoyed Diwali day and it's good to see more comments added to our Blog. Remember that your homework this week is to write a report about Diwali- it can be a report about what Diwali is and how it is celebrated, or a recount of your experiences on our Diwali day.You could also imagine that you are writing a postcard to a friend about our Diwali day and post it on the Blog? Get writing!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed makeing my diwali lamp and makeing my mask with cara.


Anonymous said...

I liked making the pots.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed doing everything it was really fun