Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bollywood at Barnack


Anonymous said...

I thought the dance went really well. Marianne.

Anonymous said...

I dont dare show it to my family the dance cause i will die of embaresment.If that peace of work was shown i will regret showing him.

Joshua .B

ps.I wonder how the play will go but i dont think i have a costume as well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the mistake on my first
I dont dare show the dance to my family cause i will die of enbarisment and if i did i would regret it.
From Joshua.B

ps: I wonder how the play will go and i dont think i have a costume

Anonymous said...

The dance worked really well it was fun too.I already showed it to Nicholas.I think the play works well aswell but i think it's gonna take alot of practice.Im a french hen and im really enjoying it ive already read through my lines loze.

Mr. Wainwright said...

Well done footballers! I am proud of you that you kept playing so well in the second half, you deserved that goal at the end. The score is not important it is the improvement in the team as the game went on. Keep positive and remember to pass into those spaces.

Anonymous said...

What was the football score?
If they won it does not matter we are so much better than them!
Samantha xx

Anonymous said...

good netball playing girls an jack, i had the best time and i hope that we can play again.
Samantha xxx

Anonymous said...

I think the dance went realy well and I really enjoyed the danceing/bollywood.


Anonymous said...

One kilometre is 0.621371192 miles.

Anonymous said...

The netball went really well i didnt mind that the year sixes didnt win but the year fives did i am really happy.It was fun training with them tough and play of cours but Annie and Kate worked erally well together scoring goals.

PS Mum said the dance was great

Anonymous said...

Sadly the boys footbal team didnt win but the can always have another go if possible.

Anonymous said...

The dance looks really good and I realLy enjoyed it!


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green's class -

Let me just say that I think your Bollywood dance was brilliant, and I am a professional choreographer so I should know!!

Good luck with your Christmas play, I'm sure it will go wonderfully well.

Katie Green (Mrs Green's daughter)

Anonymous said...

I thourt the dance went really well and the play well.... it is getting there but I am sure it will be fantastic.