Monday, November 28, 2011

Calling all you 'Wonderful Writers' out there!

Mr Wainwright has been speaking with a lady from Peterborough Environment City Trust who co-ordinates Eco Schools locally, about how well Barnack is doing during Powerdown fortnight. She has asked if anyone would like to write a short article (200 words maximum) on what has been happening during Powerdown fortnight at Barnack school. She may even include it in the next Eco Newsletter which is sent to all schools, so get writing!


Anonymous said...

I would like to do it with someone else


Anonymous said...

I would but i will need some help to write it. I can work with someone that might be easyer to do.

Anonymous said...

I will do it with you Lawrence.

Anonymous said...

Elixir is a sweet flavored liquid that is used for medicinal purpose.

Sammi xxxx

Anonymous said...

Yes ok I will do it with Jack


Anonymous said...

Oh no i forgot to put a fullstop on my last coment.


Anonymous said...

Well done Sammi. Thank you for helping us to understand the meaning of the word Elixir.I wonder if it was a nice sweet taste or a horrible one like medicine is today. You're a star!

Mrs H

Mr. Wainwright said...

Blog chatting Lawrence and Jack. I'm impressed. I hope I am impressed with your 200 word article too. Can you do that for Friday for me or Monday at the latest so I can send it off before they write all the Powerdown articles.
Brilliant singing I heard this morning, I can't wait to see you all perform.

Anonymous said...

I think Callum W is quit lucky to be master of the ring/m.o.r


Anonymous said...

I agree with you Ethan

Callum W