Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Taste of India day

What an exciting day! Well done everyone for working so sensibly in your cookery groups to prepare the food for this afternoon's feast. A special thank you to our super chefs Mrs Damani and Mrs Humphreys- we couldn't have done it without you.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed my Indian food.
Gabriella TT

Anonymous said...

The food was great i really enjoyed the naan and curry.I hope the match is going to be alright and that we wil win.

Anonymous said...

I am really exited what iam going to be in the christmas play.I hope i am going to be a french hen or calling bird.I think the songs are great my favorite is rudolph the red nosed reindeer and Wheres the ring?

Anonymous said...

I say a really big thank you to the experts on the indian food cooking i really enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

I dont think someones on this page right now but ill keep chating.

Anonymous said...

I hope the girls and boys football tam win against st.mark and st.jhon.

Anonymous said...

The cooking was great fun i cooked the naan.

Anonymous said...

The back onion seeds smell rally weird but taste nice.

Anonymous said...

Naan tasets really nice when its warm.

Anonymous said...

Naan tastes really nice whan its warm.

Anonymous said...

The taste of india day was really good.It was really nice of the teachers to oganize a day like that.

Anonymous said...

It was lots of fun! Still hasn't convinced me to go Indian food!

Rose, the girls didnt win :( but at least we drew nl nil!
Think boys lost but hopefully they won!
Fleur x

Anonymous said...

I loved the Idian food it was great . Gabriellatt

Anonymous said...

Hi I likeIndian food and it was really fun and delish.Gabriellatt

Anonymous said...

I liked everything and it was greatxx.gtt

Anonymous said...

The Indian food was amazing! Now I'm all ready for the match against John Claire.

Anonymous said...

I loved the curry the most out of all the Indian foods.


Anonymous said...

36 Because there are 18 teddys in all 6 combinitions so two 18 are 36, the anwser is 36

Samantha xxxxx

Anonymous said...

72 because if you just forget about the pandas for the beginning you can have 6 combinations for the teddies and then you have to double that because the pandas can swap for every combination. then you have to multiply it by 6 because that was the amount of combinations not including swapping the pandas and teddies. the answer is 72.

Anonymous said...

72 because there is 6 ways for the teddys in one and 12 pandas in one so 6x12=72 and that is the awnser.


Anonymous said...

72 because there are 6 combinations and 12 for the pandas and times them by each other egauls 72.