Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 11: Power Down Fortnight preparations and School Play Rehearsals

The term just gets busier and busier! Many thanks to our class reps on the School Council for their help in organising our Children in Need day on Friday. We raised almost £150!

On Monday there will be a special whole school assembly and a workshop session for Year 5 and 6 children on Saving Energy. As part of the activities there is a photography competition on Saving Energy in School and the Head Teacher’s Challenge will be to create an Energy Super Hero (more details to follow).

Our Maths Challenge team will be attending the Regional finals at Peterborough on Monday. There is a football game against Helpston on Tuesday and netball matches against Peterborough High school on Wednesday.

Rehearsals for our Christmas play start this week so get those lines learnt. 


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed pudsy day.The wellie wanging was really fun thoughi was bad at it.

Anonymous said...

Today was our first day of saving electricity i think we did really well.

Anonymous said...

The cakes were yummy.Plus Nicholas said the dance was great.

Ps Nicholas is my big brother.

Anonymous said...

I realy enjoyed children in need day. I loved doing the face paint, with the stencils, because it was fun, but some did go wrong, but they said it was ok so I was happy.


Anonymous said...

The cakes were yummy and the face painting looked really good but face paint itches on my face so i didnt have one.