Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 12: Five Gold Rings

The stage is up and ready for rehearsals. I hope you have been busy learning your lines for our ‘script-free’ practices this week. Please let us know as soon as you can if you are having difficulty finding things for your costume.
Don’t forget that you will need your coat when we go down to Church for the Communion Service on Tuesday morning.
The Christmas post box will go up on December 1st so I will be collecting names to go on the rota to be our postmen and women.
And finally, remember your torches for Power Down Day on Friday. I think it will make us appreciate just how much we rely on electricity each and every day.


Anonymous said...

Was the theter called the golbe?????


Anonymous said...

Is the answer 2.25 pounds?


Anonymous said...

I am looking forwood to the power down day on friday. I am Also looking forwood to practiceing the play.

Mrs. Green said...

Well done Lucy and Kyra- reward points for you both tomorrow!
Shakespeare's theatre was called the Globe Theatre. If you ever go to London, you can see a reconstruction of the Globe by the river Thames- it's well worth a visit.
Keep working at those metric/ imperial conversions. 1 kilometre is five eighths of a mile and a kilogramme is approximately 2.2 pounds.

Anonymous said...

Is it 2.2 pounds in a kilogram and was the theater called globe.

Stephen H

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until power down day!


Anonymous said...

Is the theter called the golbe?


Anonymous said...

I cant wait till I do the postbox job.


Anonymous said...

The christmas play is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

The christmas play is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

The christmas play is brilliant.