Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 9: Urban India- A Journey to Mumbai

This week we will be continuing to research information about Mumbai and you will be using ICT to present your ideas as a report.
It will be another busy week with football matches against North Luffenham on Wednesday and a visit to the War Memorial on Friday morning to join in with the whole village to remember those who lost their lives during the war.
The BSA Winter Fayre is on Saturday 12th November and the older children have traditionally helped to organise and run some children’s games. Is anyone able to help? Ask your parents if you can come along then we can draw up a rota of games and helpers.  


Anonymous said...

my mum dad owen and I helped other years but mum said not this year.


Anonymous said...

I can not wait for the football match on wednesday we need to start training if we want to win.
Samantha xxx

Anonymous said...

I can help out with the faint the whole time.

Anonymous said...

I am ok to do it this year. I may not be able to be there the whole time, but I can help for a while.
Fleur x

Mrs. Green said...

Well done to all our footballers today- we are looking forward to hearing all about the games tomorrow.
We were busy back at school planting bulbs for Marie Curie Cancer care and tidying our class garden box ready for winter.
Has anyone any ideas about what we can grow in our garden over the winter months?

Please remember- any comments added to the Blog which are not signed will be deleted.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys
In our class garden we could plant
onions,garlic,spouts,cauliflower and flower bulbs,eg:tulips,daffodils,crocus and other spring flowering bulbs.

Anonymous said...

I think I have workt relly hard on my rport
Niamh B

Anonymous said...

I helped at the christmas fair all the time it was really fun.
I also won the art competion for yeaer 5.