Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 3: Earth, Sun and Moon

Over the next term, many of you will be invited to represent Barnack School at various events. Jack and Cara attended the BETT Show in London on Friday to ‘try out’ new ICT resources for school, and they will be sharing some of their finds with you this week.
Year 4, 5 and 6 Booster sessions start on Tuesday afternoon and Callum and Elise will be attending a Writers’ Workshop in Peterborough on Thursday.
You started the ‘Lost in Space’ topic really well last week with your ideas about the Earth, Sun and Moon. What do you know about their relative sizes and how they move?
Add your information to our Blog and check all the comments that are added.    


Anonymous said...

Sounds like this week is going to be really buzzy.

Anonymous said...

All the planets rotate around the Sun.


Anonymous said...

I think we started of really well last week too and I am looking forward to seeing what we are doing further on in the year with our topic.

Anonymous said...

The Earth has a vertew.


Anonymous said...

I think that our space topic is really fun and when we had to write about what we knew I thought I did not know anything but I actually did know something.


Anonymous said...

The Earth has a vertex.


Anonymous said...

Rose it is busy.


Anonymous said...

Every planet has a moon like the suns moon is the moon.

Anonymous said...

If the world did end astronauts are trying to find out if there is life on other planets!

Mrs. Green said...

Please remember to record your ideas in accurately punctuated sentences! If your comment is missing, add it again and check your punctuation.
I wonder if there is life on other planets Lauren?

Anonymous said...

Thats a really intresting question i would like to know if there is life on different planets?How big is Space?If Space is little how hard could it be to find if there is life on different planets but i think space is quiet big.


Anonymous said...

If the sun is a star is the moon a planet or is the moon the suns moon?

Anonymous said...

If an astronaut makes a footprint on the Moon it will be there for ever. The gravity on the Moon is six times lighter than Earth's gravity.