Following your visit to the Space Centre last week, you will be designing and making your own rocket so don ’t forget to bring in an empty 2 litre bottle.
We will also be continuing to use calculators to solve number puzzles.
Click on this activity to help you to find all the prime numbers less than 100.
Now try to solve this puzzle-
Can you make any square number by adding two prime numbers together?
eg. 4 = 2 + 2
9 = 2 + 7
16 = 5 + 11
So far so good! But can you carry on?
Not sure how to do this?
2+2=4 2+7=9 2+23=25 2+47=49 3+13=16
3+61=64 3+97=100 5+11=16 5+31=36
7+57=64 11+53=64 13+23=36 13+51=64
13+87=100 17+19=36 17+47=64 17+83=100
23+41=64 37+63=100 41+59=100 43+57=100 47+97=144 49+51=100 53+91=144 71+73=144 29+71=100 13=13=36
that is it I think
Wow Callum that amazing i think all of them are there.
I worked out all the prime numbers and they are:2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,73,71,79,83,89 and 97,
these are all the prime numbers to 100.
Icompleted the task and i know some prime numbers !! Gabi
I'm pleased to see that you are enjoying the activity and learning more about prime numbers.
Don't forget Mr Wainwright's Headteacher's Challenge- What is Learning?
You could add your ideas to our Blog.
I finished the game that you showed us yesterday
Samuel, I have added the space weblink you gave me, it looks really good thanks for sharing it with everyone.
I have done the pime numbers task now i think that i know my prime numbers
Hi im happy that we learning about space because it helps me and it makes it easier.
Gabi x
I completed the activity and I know some prime numbers now but before I didnt finish doing it on Tuesday XXXKyraXXX
I think learning is making mistakes and learning from them to use in life. There is always more to learn in life.
Elise xxx
I have done the task! clicked on something and when i pressed the undo button it all went back to the start!
sorry! :-0
Elise LOL :-) :-)
I think it gives you some of the prime numbers.
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