Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 8: Is there life on Mars?

What do you think? Add your ideas to our Blog.
A few reminders for the coming week-
Parents’ Evenings on Monday and Tuesday
World Book Day on Thursday- bring in a favourite picture book to share with the younger children and receive your World Book Day Book Token
Friday- National Sing Up Day
Don’t forget to work on your design for the Jubilee Celebrations programme cover- Mr Wainwright has extended the deadline so that you can all have a go!


Mrs. Green said...

I have just finished looking at your half term super-hero stories and they are amazing! What brilliant writers I have in my class- I didn't realise that I have so many super powers!

Anonymous said...

Well I do think there is some kind of live on Mars, but in a fantasy way. OH!! I love world book day, I just need to remember. Today we have been on a walked-tour in Peterborough. I learnt a bit more about Peterborough and the streetnames and history, but not all of it because sometimes I did not listen to the guide. We had Fish and Chips but a bit too much.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed writing a story about mrs Green.I not sure there could be life on mars but I doubt it because its very different.

Anonymous said...

I didnt know Mrs Green has super powers.I went to Birmingham and learnt some things there about Newzealand and Australia.I guess there is some life on mars but not that we know of.How do we see if there is life on mars.
Rose (:

Anonymous said...

I do think there is life on mars but I am not sure because I do belive in aliens but I dont. I am looking forward to the national singup day and book day I had a wonderful weekend because dad was back.


Anonymous said...

I think there is life on Mars because there might be new bacteria what we dont now about

Anonymous said...

I think there is not life on Mars because astronomers have not found any evadence.

Anonymous said...

I think that there is life on mars because me and Niamh where looking if there where life on mars right and it linked us up to a lode of videos and there was a video of a shadow moving
Lucy :)

Anonymous said...

I believe that there is life on other planets because I believe in evolution and if there is bacteria on other planets aliens might evolve.Maybe they already have!


Anonymous said...

I think that there is life because they found that in the soil from mars there are different proteins in that could grow plants, which could mean that if plants are on there who knows what else can be found?!


Anonymous said...

I dont think theres life on Mars because it would be impossible because Mars is next to the Sun.


Anonymous said...

Im glad its would book day soon because ive got a good costume and im excited.

Gabriella xxx!!

Anonymous said...

I think there is life on Mars because when they sent a probe up they found signs of DNA and bacteria.


Anonymous said...

I think thhere is another tion spelling...shion because it is in the word cushion.


Mr. Wainwright said...

Well, (for you Annina!)I was most impressed with your writing when I came in with the visitors from Dogsthorpe Junior School; as Mrs. Green said you really are brilliant writers.

Can I just also add a huge pat on the back to my Y5 Maths group and my Y6 Maths group. You demonstrated some outstanding knowledge and skills yesterday. Who can remember the next 'symmetry' date and who can write 'pi' to 6 decimal places? What is the formula for the circumference of a circle using pi? This is what we will be doing in our last Year 5 session. Year 5s don't forget the homnework task.

Anonymous said...

NASA stands for national aeronautics space administration.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is life on Mars.


Anonymous said...

Determination - tion
I can't wait for world book day.

Anonymous said...

Invadtion - tion
Exsepsion - sion

Anonymous said...

I think there is life on Mars because there could be bactiria
Annie xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I am quite proud of world book day and thanks again xxxxxxxxxx