Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 11: Sport Relief 2012

Well done to our footballers and netballers last week!
This week we will be holding our Moon Buggy race on Wednesday afternoon so can you meet the deadline? Will your moon buggy be ready?
Have some Maths fun and try out this interactive game. Try it again and try to beat your score.


Anonymous said...

I think that the netballers and the footballs did really well and I think that the moon buggies will be a good race.
Let the race begin!

Anonymous said...

The NETBALL match was so fun and exciting for all of the team. I like to pay netball with all of my friends and go to netball matches and tournaments.


Anonymous said...

I think the football matches went really well plus WE BEAT JOHN CLAIR!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes the football and netball matches went well but i didnt get to play though i went.):):
Anyway I think the moon buggy races went well. One minute mine was working and the other minute it wasnt!

Anonymous said...

I realy enjoyed the moon buggy race even though my moter didnt work.
I am looking for would to the run a mile for sports relief tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green and Her class!

This is Pip and Georgie F here! It is great to hear all about Barnack! We are missing it loads! We are seeing when we can come back soon!
We hope you have a good sports relief day and there are some great costumes! See you Soon :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Pippa and Georgie!
Its nice that you can chat sometime on the blog.Hows your new school?

Anonymous said...

Im really looking forward to walking a mile.

Mrs. Green said...

Hi Pippa and Georgie
Good to hear from you.Pleased to see that you are keeping up with our news via the Class Blog. Travel a Mile for Sport Relief went really well today- did you do anything special at your school?

Anonymous said...

I am really missing barnack and enjoying my new school lots. All the test we have done, I have already done at Barnack. (yipee!)
i heard you won the netball tournament welldone!!!!
Marianne :)

Mr. Wainwright said...

Wow, it's the blog for past pupils. Good to hear from you Georgie, Pippa and Marianne.
You are welcome back anytime.

Well done again to my Year 5 maths group, you really showed off your TTT skills, great posters on display showing what you have learnt over the term.
Callum, thanks again for the brilliant question for the tv screen, I did share it with my maths group who agreed it was excellent.