Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week 3: Myths and Legends

Last week seemed unusually quiet on the Blog- perhaps you were too busy with Bikeability and attending the Poetry workshop? Well done Year 6 cyclists; the trainers were very impressed with your behaviour and positive attitude throughout the course.
This week we will be continuing to learn about Greek myths and legends and finding out about famous Greeks eg Homer. (No, not Homer Simpson!) Who was he ? What do we know about him? What is he famous for?
The new music for Maypole dancing has finally arrived so we will be testing it out before our May Day assembly on Friday. Congratulations to our May King and Queen, Callum and Annina!
Don't forget to leave a comment on our shared Blog with Ravensthorpe School.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone
I hope you are all working very hard. We are having a lovely time, my group has been climbing on the wall and into the woods with the archery. We are just getting ready to go for our evening meal

Mrs Humphreys

Anonymous said...

I found out that to the classical greeks, Homer's epics played very much the same role that the Bible plays for a lot of people today.
Annie x

Anonymous said...

I have found out that Homer was Born around 8th - 9th century BC he was said to be a court singer and a story teller.


Anonymous said...

i found out that Homer wrote the illiad a few decades before he wrote the odyssey.


Mr. Wainwright said...

Well what Wonderful Writing I have read regarding homework! My opinion on homework is simple. I believe that the homework you already have is sufficient. You need some homework to prepare you for Year 7 and beyond, however I would not like to increase the amount of homework as children need to be children too at home and spend 'quality time' with their parents.
I would like to think most of you would read for pleasure anyway and would being doing mathematical activities in day to day tasks- helping with cooking, measuring things, shopping etc.
Keep up the great writing and be ready to show how great you all are in reading, writing and maths in the SATs tests coming up. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

I realy enjoyed the may day assembly to day and I loved watching everyone take part in it and having fun.


Anonymous said...

Hello in Greek is yasa
please is parakalo
thank you efharisto
good bye andio
yes ne
no ohi
this is all the info from the oddizzi website.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr Wainwright.I really enjoyed may day!Im doing my homework riht now although im not quiet shure what im doing.
Rose xx

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for not giving us anymore homework Mr Wainwright, you will not regret it.

xx Sammi xx

Anonymous said...

well done Callum and Annina you will both make a lovely king and queen!
Annie xxx