Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 4: Storytelling linked to War with Troy

Well done everybody- the May Day assembly was brilliant! Your dancing was very impressive and I was so proud of every single one of you.
This week we will be continuing with our storytelling sessions based on War with Troy, and you will have an opportunity to try out your own storytelling skills.
We will be having visitors from both BGS and AMVC to speak to the Year 6 children about their new schools. Swimming is on Friday this week and we need to start to prepare for Sports' Day.
A Maths puzzle for you to try-
Make the number in the centre of the target board in the least number of hits. Tell us on the Blog how many you can do it in, but don't give away your answer.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed may day!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to listen to the rest of the War of Troy!


Anonymous said...

I can do the maths challenge in six.


Anonymous said...

War of troy is really good and i wish we could hear the rest at school and never go home! The relaxology was really good and relaxing. I felt that I was going to fall through the mat!!
Annie x

Anonymous said...

I liked the relaxolgy.

Ben :)

Anonymous said...

I liked the the science we have been doing and war with troy what we are about to tell.


Anonymous said...

the relaxachon was rily good i think it will help me in test week.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the relaxation and are topic on the ancient greeks


Anonymous said...

This is my answer.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the war with troy I find it calm, then it builds suspense and then it really does get good!!
Annie xx

Anonymous said...

Samuel it's not 70 it's 72


Anonymous said...

I have done it in six steps


Anonymous said...

I think I can do the puzzle in 9.
xXx Annie xXx