Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 5: Year 5 and Year 6 Test Week

Well done to all the runners who took part in the Barnack Fun Run on Saturday. The sun shone and Mrs Dunn reported much better times for the events than last year.  

Reminders for this week- you need to make sure that you get to bed on time this week (no late nights!) so that you are wide awake for Test Week. You will also need your water bottle in the classroom each day.

As Sports’ Day is fast approaching, you need your outdoor PE kit in school every day so that we can go out and practise at every opportunity.


Anonymous said...

Hi, i thought the first test went quiete well and i didnt even have to worry wich i normally do.Hopefully ill get through the rest of the week hopefully we all will.I wish everyone luck to get good test results.

Anonymous said...

hi i think the tests are going really well. I cant wait to find out my scores!


Anonymous said...

I wonder what my scores are? I cant wait to find out.

Anonymous said...

I thought the tests went really well. They were actually a lot easier than I thought!

Anonymous said...

Even though I was a little worried, I still went on and never gave up. I cant wait to get my results!
xXx Annie xXx