Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 6: Where did the Ancient Greeks worship?

Well done everyone with your tests last week! I know that you all showed great determination and worked very hard.
Hopefully this week we will get back to our 'normal' weekly routine. You need your outdoor PE kit in school every day; it is National Cricket Day on Tuesday and we will be practising for Sports Day on Wednesday.
Our friends from Ravensthorpe Primary School have started to add comments on our shared Blog- please find time to reply to them and add your own comments.
Why not try this Maths Puzzle?


Anonymous said...

I cant wait to find out our scores for the tests. I wonder when its going to be? I went on to the barave blogspot but i dindnt know what to say. See you at school.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to congratulate you all on your story telling. I thought it was absolutely fantastic. I am looking forward to hearing the last few today.
It looks as if we have got another busy week ahead.

Mrs Humphreys.

Anonymous said...

I loved all the storytelling and I hope we can do it again this year. I really liked Madeleine's and Kyra's. I thought Madeleine was trying really hard and so was Kyra. I also found out that the middle age time was about 1000bc-1600bc, I also have a book on the middle ages and I thought I could bring it in tomorrow?
xXx Annie xXx

Anonymous said...

Is it ok to bring in my book?
xXx Annie xXx

Mrs. Green said...

Good research Annie- of course we would like to see your book!

Anonymous said...

The middle ages- 9th century.
Fleur x

Anonymous said...

OOPS! Sorry Annie, I didn't know you had posted, sorry.
Fleur x

Anonymous said...

Hi I think I did rily well on my test and I have finaly go axes to the blog

Anonymous said...

Hi I have finaly got axes to the blog and I can't wat to get the skors from the tests.

Anonymous said...

How was your day at school dory I was not thear.

Anonymous said...

Jane vs
Sangita= thur mon
David= fri
Jim= mon fri

Sangita vs
Jane= thur mon
David= wed
Jim= mon

David vs
Sangita= wed
Jane= fri
Jim= tues fri

Jim vs
David= wed
Jane= mon fri
Sangita= mon

3 games can be played on mon and fri.

No games can be played on sat and sun.

Callum W