Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week 10: Olympic celebrations

Are you all ready for our special Olympics celebration tomorrow? Remember- you can come dressed in the colours of your team's country.
What do you know about the original Olympic games that started in Greece? Add some interesting Did you know...facts to our Blog.

Another busy week!
On Tuesday we will be visiting the Mosque in Peterborough and Year 6 children will be meeting up with last year's leavers during the afternoon. What questions would you like to ask them?
On Wednesday afternoon the Girls' Kwik Cricket team are playing in the County final in Peterborough- go Barnack!


Anonymous said...

Did you know that the first olympic games started in 776bc and only free men who spoke fluent Greek could compete in the games!

Anonymous said...

The girls kwik cricket team tried really hard and i had a really good time.
xXx Annie xXx

Anonymous said...

Gnomon: The raised part of a sundial that casts a shadow; a style.

xXx Annie xXx

Mrs. Green said...

Well done Annie!
Good research on the definition of 'gnomon'. Collect a reward point from me tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am at casterton on the computers and i am coming here tomorrow for my taster day. I will see you all on monday at school and i will talk to you about it. ok then i will speak to you all on monday i hope tomorrow goes well for all of you

xx Sammi