Sunday, July 8, 2012

Week 12: Greek Theatre

What information can you find out about Greek theatre to add to your Legacy of the Greeks power point?
Are you ready for a Maths Challenge? Follow these instructions and try to make a spiral- bring it into the classroom and teach the rest of the class.


Anonymous said...

I tried the puzzle but i didnt understand what you had to do.

Anonymous said...

Nearly in every city there was a theatre because plays were part of many religios festivals. The theatres were build on hillsi9de and could normally hold about 18,000 people. All the actors in the theatre were men. The greeks plays were comedies and tragedies. the tragedies were about the past and the comedies were about every day life. Comedie actors wore bright clothes, tragedie actors wore dark clothes.The plays were said or sung in rhyme.

Anonymous said...

Theatres were open air and circulart.They were open air because it hardly rained in greece so they didnt bother to build a roof.Actors changed characters by changing masks.
There was a coulor code of hair:
Blonde was a hero
Black or a beard was a villain
orange ginger red hair was comedy.

Anonymous said...

The word moors is 1000350.


Anonymous said...

I tried type. It was 40000. 25 times 40000 is one million. Typey is a word that refers to ideal. Typey is 1000000!


Mrs. Green said...

Amazing Jack- well done!!!
Good thinking skills there- if we have time next week, we need to check it out again.

Jimale said...

I tried the puzzle but i didnt understand what you had to do. Rose