Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 13: Arts' Week

Please remember to bring your PE kit for our Dance sessions this week. You also need to wear clothes suitable for painting and messy work!
Make a million....
Has anyone made a million yet?
Look back to last week's post to see Jack's strategic thinking on how he has tackled the problem.

You will also need a strong plastic bag in school on Thursday to take your books and work home in.


Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed the first day of arts week!

Anonymous said...

I have had a fun day on Monday I hope that the rest of the week will well (not Friday I'm expecting a lot of crying :'()
Lucy :) x x x

Anonymous said...

I really miss the year 6s already looking forward to the year ahead when I'm a year 6 to
XxX Annie XxX

Anonymous said...

Its going to be so different without this years yr sixes.Im looking forward to being a year six though.
Hope your all having a godd holiday.

Anonymous said...

Hi !!!
It's Lucy hear I'm now a year 7 OMG A YR 7 I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I got my uniform I look so awesome and smart and I got a blazer !!!! It's well lush luckly I'm in the same form, house and classes as marianne and my other friends I will miss everyone
Love you all
Lucy!!!!!!! <3

Anonymous said...

P.s Im looking forward to being complemented by boys!!! I'm so happy lol (Harry's and alexs mates )
Lucy again <3

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays... I just got back from Mexico (10 hours on the areoplane)and we swam with the dolphins! But it was so embarrasing because I got told to sing a song and the dolphin danced. I do miss the year 6's but I'm looking forward to being one.

Anonymous said...

Hi how is everyone, this is Sammi.
I hope that you are all enjoying your hoildays i know i am. So far i have been to The making of Harry Potter at the Warner brothers stuidos.

I will come back to Barnack and say hi.

I hope that you all have a good time while you can.

Lots of love Sammi Turner.

Anonymous said...

Hi sammi
I'm gunna see you all in the holidays ;)
Heyy every one can't wait till I start my new school I look awesome in my uniform :)
Lucy :) x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone this is sammi, I amk going to start my new school on Thursday 30th. I have got all of my uniform apart from my winter jumper. Ok then i will come and visit you very very soon.
from Sammi.

Anonymous said...

Hi How is everyone. I went down to London and I went to the m&m store and brought five huge paper clips I hope to see you all very very soon.
Love Sammi xxxxxx
P.s I hope that everyone has a good year, oh and it is my first day at casterton tomorrow. Bye xxxxx :)

Anonymous said...

Got school tomorrow :) can't belive I'm acholy exsited for school :) its like I'm a diferent me anyway I got loads of friends !!!!! Already and I haven't even started ahaha x x xx
Love you all
Lucy x x x <3 x x :)