Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Autumn Term 2012- Week 1

Welcome to our Blog for the new school year!

We hope that you have all had a wonderful Summer break and are ready for an exciting term ahead. We are interested to know what you have all been doing during the holidays- tell us about it on the Blog.

Don’t forget to write in accurately punctuated sentences!


Mrs. Green said...

Well, I had a wonderful holiday in Kefallonia in Greece and Mr Green enjoyed his time as a volunteer at the Olympic Games. I am really looking forward to the year ahead and getting to know you all.

Anonymous said...

I had the best summer holiday ever as I got my first pony called Millie. I spent all my time at the stables apart from when we went on holiday to the New Forest, where there were also lots of ponies!

Anonymous said...

well,I have had a brilliant holiday we went to wales and wile we were there I went kayaking down the broad waters(a river)we body boarded every day. Our new dog Izzy loved the water
there and dived through the waves chasing stones. Also we have started tennis and sailing lessons and have bought a Topper Dinghy.

Anonymous said...

we went to the horse tryoorus
and we all had tea.
we then went shoping and i got some pyjams.

Anonymous said...

I had a lovely time in Cornwall and Switzerland with my family.We also had a fantastic time swimming in the very, very cold sea and in the pretty warm lake.I met all my family and friends in switzerland and we had a great time togother.


Anonymous said...

I a super holiday I went camping in Weybourne with my cousins. It was really fun although the front bit of the tent collapsed in the middle of the night. I saw some of my friends and we also had a great time.

Anonymous said...

I had an amasing holiday in Yorkshire .Me and my family really enjoyed the veiw of the waterfall at fallingfoss.stayed in a lovely cottage called Maybeck farm.I can't wait to go back.

Anonymous said...

I had a super summer holiday! First we got a puppy called Doyle and he is now 12 weeks old. Then we went on holiday to a greek island called Kos, it was so hot there but the pool was cooler.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time at skegness the caravan was great we went swimming and we went in the rnli center+we got some souvenirs I might bring them in some day.


Anonymous said...

I had a wondifl hollday! because i get to see my famly and got to play my famly and have a barbq and play in the swimming pool ihad a wondifol time

Anonymous said...

I had a wonderful holiday in Mexico, it was lovely and hot and we went to a water park which had one of the steepest slides in the world and I went on it!

Anonymous said...

I had a great time in the summer holidays we didn't go anywhere but we spent a day at a beach in Winterton on Sea! I got a letter from my friend in Australia and one from my cousin.Dad went to Switzerland and bought home some Swiss choclate. Yum!

Anonymous said...

I had a great time in the Summer holidays.We went to the beach for a day in Sutton on Sea and a second time in Winterton on Sea. My dog was scared of the waves!

Anonymous said...

It sounds as if you have had some really exciting holidays. I went to Southern Spain to a little village called Las Huevanillas to visit my eldest brother who lives there. It was lovely to see him. I went in his pool at night and looked at the stars, while we were swimming we saw the Milky Way(not the chocolate bar)it was amazing.

Mrs Humphreys

Anonymous said...

well i had a BEAUTIFUL holiday i went to the horsae trails the wheather was in beetween. We went to wells then to Hunstanton we did't get back till 9.00. Then a few day later we went to scarewell farm the wheather was fabulous then we went to the water gardens and also somthing I forgott to tell you i went around cosmo and
nanny and grandad.

Anonymous said...

I went sailing in greek islands for my holiday,miss the nice wether.

Anonymous said...

I had an amazing holiday in Le Negra in spain. We went on apedeler out into the sea and we visited a immense wave machine pool.


Anonymous said...

Hi i had a wodifal holaday to evan thought we stayd at home it was nice.


Anonymous said...

I had a lovey time in london with my family.we also had a fantastic time going out to places.It stared to rain and we got socked it was pretty warm most of the week.I met some of my uncles frinds in lond and we all had a great time togother.


Anonymous said...

I have had the best holiday ever in Austria and Germany, on the first week we had an adventure holiday with Climbing, Canyoning, Rafting, and High ropes we also swam in a few lakes.Me dad and Emily also went on a summer bobsliegh. We had a great time!


Anonymous said...

Hi :) its lucy! Just saying how awesome my new school is! I never thought maths and re would be my fave subjects ! My re teacher got us to stand up on tabels and look around the class :) I miss everyone so much ! I heard you're uniform changed ! How exsiting ! Haha hopeing ill comeback after school and vist you all :) lots of love and hugs lucy x x x ;) x

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone I had an epic holiday in Winterton on Sea.
Our cottage was 350 yards from the sand dunes and the weather was very hot and it all did good for my leg. Our dog Alfie Aka Alfred the Great enjoyed the holiday too but on the first night he ate some seaweed and was sick 12 times so mum had to stay up with him all night making sure he wasn't sick again all over our lovely cottage, mum trained him to be sick in the dustbin :D apart from that we all had a good time. We watched the Olympic opening ceremony on our first night and stayed in our cottage for a week

Billy :D

Anonymous said...

We went to see Adrenalin Overload which was a stunt show with motor bikes and monster trucks, it was really impressive and I met all the stunt drivers after the show and got their autographs. I may bring it in to show the class.

Billy :D

Anonymous said...

Sorry don't like to intrude again! It's Georgie Franks again!!!! I was just wondering how you all got at the kwik cricket competition? Also could someone tell what the new uniform is like??? P.S hello mrs green :)

Anonymous said...