Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 2: Who stole the jewels?

What an amazing response to the Blog last week- thank you for all your comments! Perhaps those of you who didn't manage to do it, could try to add a comment this week? Remember, you can use the computers at school at break times.

After considering all the evidence, who do you think took Lady Agnes' diamond necklace? Who are the main suspects? What will Sherlock Holmes say?
Who was Sherlock Holmes and where did he live?


Anonymous said...

I don't think it was any of the suspects that went up to the front.
Since the window was open I think it was a magpie.


Anonymous said...

I think it was the Butler or Lady Jayne because the butler could of taken them when he went upstairs, and Lady Jayne could of worked with Lady Fortescue when she went upstairs.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for not replying last week.

I think that Lady Jane Stole the heels because she was wearing diamond earrings and was wearing
A diamond necklace under Neath her collar that I just noticed at the end of the day!


Anonymous said...

I am pleased to see that you are still thinking about the dastardly crime. Who did it? Why? Will Sherlock Holmes beable to solve the mystery?
Mrs Humphreys (alias Lady Jane)

Anonymous said...

I think it was the maid when she was cleaning because she acted very shocked to make it look like it wasn't her.

Anonymous said...

I think it was lady Fortescue because of the pouder in lady Agnesis room.


Anonymous said...

I really like the magpie idea - but I wonder if anyone has worked out if anybody actually had enough time to steal the jewels without being seen or heard by someone else?
Mrs Trevarthen

Anonymous said...

Wat if it was the garderner because he had a lader to get to the windo.


Anonymous said...

I think the butler


Anonymous said...

I think it was Lady Jayne because she was wearing diamond earings or it could be Lady Fortescue with a shaphire and diamond neaklace


Anonymous said...

I think all of the Ladies are working together including lord jack.

Anonymous said...

I think it was the Maid because she was very nervous.

Anonymous said...

i think it was lady fortescue because her powder was in lady Agnes' room. She also wore the dimond neclace.

leoni X