Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 5: Victorian transport

How did transport change in Victorian times? How did it affect the lives of the Victorians?

I hope you have all been practising your 'times tables'. This week you will all be given a mental arithmetic work book to be completed each week and returned to school on Friday along with your homework. Click here to try out a game to help you practise your tables.


Anonymous said...

i did level one and got 98% in 1 minute and 50 secounds.


Anonymous said...

Did you know?that the rich people traveled to places in first class carriages with nice comfy seats to sit on and walls to keep the heat in.The poor people had to travel in second and third class carriages with hard benchs to sit on and no walls to the cold out.


Anonymous said...

I got 100% in 1 minute and 51 seconds.


Mrs. Green said...

Well done Briony and Leoni. I couln't get on to play the game last night- I presume it was because you were all having a go. What were your scores?
I have just completed Level 1 in 1 min 21 secs and Level 2 in 3mins and 27secs. I'm sure that someone can beat my score!

Anonymous said...

I did level 1 and got 100% in 1 minute 40 seconds!

Anonymous said...

i got 52% today in level 1 in 2 muinits.

Anonymous said...

sorry i forgot to put my name it is heather.

Anonymous said...

I did level one twice the first time I got 1 minute 32 seconds and 100% then on my second i got 1 minute 20 seconds 98%.


Anonymous said...

I got 100% on level one with 1 minute 41 seconds.


Anonymous said...

I did level 1 and got 1minute and 51 seconds and 98% the second time i did it igot 2minutes and 4 seconds with 100%.

Anonymous said...

i did leval one twice and i got 2 minutes and 14 seconds out of 96% and the second go i got 1 minute and 54 seconds out of 98% and i got all 50 questions.


Anonymous said...

I did level one again and got 100% in 1minute and 18 seconds, then I did level 2 and got 100% in 4 minutes and 37 seconds.

Anonymous said...

I did level 1 in 1 minute 18 seconds then on level 1 I got ! minute 15


Anonymous said...

one two three