Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thank you Mr Graham for coming in to talk to us about the Great Exhibition


Anonymous said...

I learnt a lot of stuff that day about the Great Exabishion and the Crystle palace i like finding out about stuff like this it was fun i liked looking at the pictures,medals and the plate and the other stuff.


Anonymous said...

iI really enjoyed it when Mr Graham came in to talk to us. I learnt a lot of new things about the crystal palace and the great exhibition.

Anonymous said...

I learnt alot about the Crystal palace and the Great Exhibition when Mr Graham came to talk to us. I liked looking at all of the artefacts and paintings.

Anonymous said...

Hello yr5 and 6 it's jack fitch from Bourne grammar school. Class of mrs green 2011 and 12. Hope your having fun.

Jack f from Bourne grammar
P.s please tell me who is going to Bourne grammar

Mrs. Green said...

Hello Jack!How are you? How are you getting on at your new school?
Are you looking forward to half-term?-we are.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs green. I'm having great time a Bourne grammar. The work is challenging and I've made lots of new friends. Hope your getting on fine. I'm really looking forward to half term and also Halloween.

Jack f
Yr 7

Anonymous said...

Mr Graham was really good. I now know that it burned down caused to smaller office fires around the area and that they built the Crystal Palace around the trees that were in the way of the building site.It is reported that at the time Queen Victoria said that they could build it in the park, but they couldn't cut down any trees, so they just built it around them.
Annie xx

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed it when Mr Gramham came and talked to us about the Cyrstal palace (the Great Exhibition.) I learnt lots of new things and enjoyed looking at the medals,the plate, the pictures and other artefacts.
