Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 12: Enterprise Week

Hello everyone!
Thank you for all your kind wishes and your beautiful card! It made me smile-  and you know that I would much sooner be at school with you, especially at this busy time of year. Work hard at learning your lines for the play and the words of the songs, and I will be back as soon as I possibly can.
Be good for Mrs Lockwood, and help Mrs Humphreys and Mrs Trevarthen make some festive decorations that can be sold at the Christmas Fayre on Friday.
See you all soon.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Victorian Dance

Please click on our Victorian Dance video above.  We were inspired by the Industrial Revolution from the Olympics Opening Ceremony.  Look at our brilliant impressions of Isambard Kingdom Brunel.  We hope you enjoy Mrs. Green!
Well done in Maths today too.  Who can define what parallel and perpendicular lines are?  What is the odd one out and why from:  42,  24,  63?
Mr. Wainwright

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 11: What jobs did children do in Victorian times?

Thinking back to our 'Horrible Histories' theatre visit last week, what did you learn about the different jobs that children often had to do?
Powerdown Fortnight continues this week with an assembly presentation and an Energy workshop on Monday. This week is also Friendship Week- how can you be a good friend to others? Special certificates will be handed out during the week to those children demonstrating the value of friendship.
Some children will be taking the Primary Maths Challenge on Tuesday and our Maths team will be competing in the 2nd Round of the Maths Awards at Peterborough.
Friday will be Powerdown Blackout Day... it really will be like going back to Victorian times!

And finally...yes, we will be looking at the playscript for the Christmas Play, so practise your speaking and singing voices ready for the auditions.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 10: Helping the Poor and Homeless

This week we will be learning about the dreadful living conditions for the poor and homeless in Victorian times.
Parents' Evenings are on Monday and Tuesday evenings. On Wednesday a group of Y6 children will be attending a Technology day at Arthur Mellows Village College and the netballers will be playing against Peterborough High School during the afternoon. Thursday is our visit to see Horrible Histories- Vile Victorians in Nottingham- please remember to return your permission slips.
For a small donation you can come to school 'wearing spots' on Children in Need day on Friday.
I have been really impressed with your talks so far- well done! What interesting information have you learnt from the talks? Are there any questions you would like to ask anyone about their talk? 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 9: What would it have been like for a servant in Burghley House in Victorian times?

Welcome back to the Blog after a wonderful half-term break. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday and are ready for a busy run up to Christmas. Perhaps you have been planning your talks and are ready to add your name to the Talks Timetable?
This week we will be following up our visit to Burghley and making comparisons between life then and now.
On Wednesday, a group of children will be representing the school at the Maths Awards in Peterborough.