Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week 14: A Victorian Christmas

Only 4 days now until our Dress Rehearsal on Friday morning- please remember to bring your costume into school in a bag marked clearly with your name. You also need to check that your family and friends have bought their tickets for the play performances on Monday 17th December at 1.45pm  and Tuesday 18th December at 6.30pm. 
Remember to get lots of sleep and keep working hard at learning your lines and the words of the songs.


Anonymous said...

Yes i have learnt all my line's and song's can not wait till monday and friday


Anonymous said...

I've learnt all my lines and songs. I can't wait until the christmas play. It going to be very fun. I really excited to watch the KS1 christmas play.


Anonymous said...

I think today went very well. And Elli was amasing. Very sad Mr Wanwrite is leving thought it wontbe the same with out him we wont foget him thought.


Anonymous said...

I loved the KS1 performance and I think our dress rehersal went very well. I can't wait for the evening performance on Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody!
Its lucy
I can't get any tickets for you're preformance but I will wait in the school and see you all after the preformance :D happy to see you all! Xx
Love lucy