Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week 15: Christmas is almost here...

Well done everyone- the afternoon play performance was great- 99%! We are now aiming for 100% for the evening performance.
On Tuesday you need to remember your PE kits and the choir will need a coat to walk down to The Acres.
The Christingle Service is at Church on Wednesday morning and you need to bring a change of clothes for the party on Wednesday afternoon. Christmas lunch is on Thursday and we end the term with the Carol Service on Friday morning. Almost there!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 14: Last few days of rehearsals....

We have an exciting week ahead of us...
I hope you have been busy learning your lines over the weekend because there will be no scripts allowed on stage this week. We now need to focus on your acting skills!
Costumes need to be in school to be checked; there will be a full run through in costume on Wednesday afternoon so that we can sort out the lights and music.
On Thursday morning we will be watching the KS1 Dress rehearsal and they will be joining us for our Dress rehearsal on Friday morning.

What have you learnt about Nelson Mandela? What sort of person was he? What questions would you have liked to ask him?


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 13: The beginning of Advent

What an exciting but sad day we had on Friday. A big thank you to all those children who helped on the stalls at the Winter Fayre and especially to Mrs Turner who came in to help make shortbread stars and Christmas trees.
 It was sad to say goodbye to Leoni and Giulia but we send our love and very best wishes to them and their family as they move to France. We know that Leoni will update us on her adventures on our Blog!
This week our Christmas preparations will begin... The stage will be up for play rehearsals so keep learning all those lines. The Christmas post box will be in the library and your parents will be able to order their tickets for the plays.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 12: Preparations for Winter Fayre

This week the hall timetable will be in place for us to start practising the Christmas play.
There will be football games at Barnack on Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Turner has also kindly offered to come into school the same afternoon to help with baking for the Christmas Fayre which is on Friday after school. Please remember to ask your parents if you are able to help with the Year 6 games and activities. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 11: Health and Hygiene in Tudor times

Did the Tudors lead a healthy lifestyle? What were their cures for illnesses and diseases?

This week we will hopefully be starting to look at the script and the songs for the Christmas play so get those singing and speaking voices ready for auditions.
Please remember PE kits on Monday for our Dance session and the children playing football on Wednesday need to return their signed permission slip to school as soon as possible.
We will also be continuing with our Power down activities this week- a Cycle Challenge on Monday afternoon and an assembly followed by a workshop session on Friday morning.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Week 10: What did the Tudors do for entertainment?

A huge thank you to those children who started us off by presenting your talks last week- they were brilliant! I look forward to learning more information about the Tudors in the next few weeks.
Hopefully this week we will be spending some time looking at different poems and poets. Have you got a favourite poem that you can bring in to share?
On Monday you will need to remember to bring a coat for our walk to the War Memorial. On Wednesday a group of Y6 children will be representing Barnack at a Technology day at AMVC.
Don't forget Children in Need on Friday!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week 9: How different were the lives of the rich and the poor?

Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable half-term break? What exciting things have you been doing? What interesting things did you learn on our Burghley visit?
Now back to work....  and the run up to Christmas.
Have you been thinking about ideas for your Christmas card design? These will need to be done this week.
PE will be on Mondays instead of Wednesdays this half term so please remember your  PE kit.
There will be a special Bonfire Lunch on Tuesday 5th November and the netball team are out on Wednesday afternoon.
If you have been busy preparing your Tudor talk and are ready to go, you can add your name to the timetable.
See you soon!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 8; Harvest Preparations

This week we will be preparing for our Harvest Service in church on Tuesday morning at 9.30am and the Harvest Assembly in school at the beginning of the day on Friday. Please remember to bring in your Harvest gifts for the Food Bank.
On Wednesday you might need wellies in school for Outdoor Adventure activities with Miss Cracknell's class if the grass is wet.
On Thursday morning we have some special visitors in school to work with all the Year 5 and Year 6 children. Those children playing in the Hockey tournament at AMVC will need their full PE kit and water bottle for Thursday afternoon.
On Friday we all need to be ready and prepared for the walk to Burghley. KS2 children will have an early packed lunch in the classrooms, ready to catch the coach to Pilsgate. From there we will walk along the new footpath to Burghley so sensible footwear and a waterproof coat are essential!
What a busy week!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 7: How different were the homes of the rich and the poor?

This week we will be continuing with our research on Tudor houses.
We will also begin to prepare for the Harvest Service in church and our Harvest assembly which are both next week.
Half Term is nearly here...  and a good opportunity for you to reflect on your learning. What has gone well this term so far? What are your targets ? How would you like to improve? What things would you like to do differently?
Just a few photos of fun at the Basketball Tournament at AMVC!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 6: Where did people live in Tudor times?

Have you ever visited a Tudor house? Tell us about it...
This week individual photos will be taken on Monday afternoon so everyone needs to be looking very smart. On Wednesday afternoon we are going to AMVC for a basketball tournament; please make sure that you have your full PE kit in school and a water bottle to take with you.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 5: Why did Henry marry so many times?

A few snapshots of the term so far...

This week we will be continuing  with our Henry VIII writing and collage work. We will be looking more closely at the reasons for Henry's many marriages. 
Try out this puzzle- record the answer to just one of the numbers to allow everyone to have a go!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 4: Was Henry VIII a good king?

What sort of person was he? What do you think?
Think back to our Special Time activity last week....
If 24 is the answer, what might the question be? Be creative and imaginative!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 3: The Spanish Armada

Well done everyone- we have had a brilliant start to the new term.
This week we will be continuing our research on Tudor explorers and finding out what life would have been like aboard the sailing ships. What jobs did people do? What did they eat and drink? How did they defend themselves?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 2: Tudor explorers

 This week we will be researching famous Tudor explorers. Who do you think might have sailed in this boat? What would life have been like at sea?
This week the Life Education Bus is visiting school and our first Gold Book assembly of the term will be on Friday morning.
Reminder- You will need your PE kits in school on Wednesdays and Fridays this year.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome back!

Hello everyone.
I hope you have all had a super Summer break and are ready for a busy term ahead. Mrs Humphreys and I have been getting the classroom ready for action on Wednesday and are looking forward to seeing you all.
Remember this is your Class Blog where you can add your ideas and comments, share your learning or just keep in touch. Please remember to write clearly in accurately punctuated sentences (no text speak!) and always sign off with just your Christian name- with a capital letter!
PS. Good luck to all the 'new' Year 7 children moving on to your new schools this week- don't forget to let us know how you are getting on.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

End of term celebrations

The last 3 days of term are going to be very busy! The Year 6 children need to finish making their tiles for the Leavers' Tree and we will hopefully have time to finish watching all the wonderful 'Top Teacher' presentations.
On Tuesday morning KS2 children will be having a move-through session before play and we will all be going down to church for the Year 6 Leavers' Service in the afternoon.
The final assembly for this term is on Wednesday morning at 9.15- everyone is welcome.
Please remember sunhats and water bottles this week.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week 12: Preparations for official opening of new classrooms and play area

I hope you have all enjoyed the lovely sunny weekend. I think the warm weather is due to stay so please remember your sunhats, sun cream and water bottles this week.
We will start the week with a Gold Book assembly on Monday where we will celebrate our Eco and Sporting successes from last week.
A representative from the NSPCC is coming in again on Wednesday to do an assembly with the Year 5 and Year 6 children. On Thursday we will be welcoming Bishop John to officially open our new classrooms- more details to follow...
The last swimming session will be on Friday.
Following on from our Smarties challenge last week... What other interesting facts or information can you add to the Blog?

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week 11: How can we keep ourselves safe?

Year 6 children, what were the key messages that you learnt at the Safety Challenge last week? Year 5 children, add your own views and opinions....
We have a very busy week ahead of us. Y6 Transition day is on Wednesday for those children going to AMVC and Kings' schools and Friday for those children going to Bourne Grammar School. Soke Athletics and Eco Awards are on Thursday morning and swimming is on Friday morning. Please make sure that you have your PE kits in school this week and bring your sponsor money in to school as soon as it is all collected in.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 10: What evidence is there that tells us that people lived in Scarborough in the past?

Year 6 children need to remember to bring a water bottle and arrive at school promptly on Monday morning to catch the coach to the Safety Challenge in Peterborough.
The NSPCC Buddy Big Work out afternoon of sponsored activities is on Tuesday. On Wednesday you will need your PE kits in school to practise for the Soke Sports.
What can you remember about the history of Scarborough? Who were the early settlers?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week 9: Explanatory texts- How are our coastlines formed?

Year 6 Bikeability sessions will be taking place this week- don't forget to bring your bike and safety helmet into school. We have a special visitor in school on Wednesday morning working with the Year 5 and Year 6 children -those who are not on cycling training.
This week we will be looking at explanatory texts. Can you find an example to bring to school to share with the class?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week 8: Can we persuade you?

There are many types of persuasive texts. Try writing an advert for a new variety of icecream and adding some of your persuasive features to the Blog.

This week seems to be a little quieter (at the moment) with our final SRE session on Monday. On Wednesday afternoon Mr Fowkes will be organising House Cricket matches. The NSPCC are taking assemblies on Thursday morning and Friday will be our normal swimming session.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week 7: How good are you at estimating?

Welcome back after your half term break- I hope you have all had a lovely holiday and I look forward to hearing your news.
Hopefully the sun will shine for us this week so that Sports' Day will take place on Thursday afternoon. We will have to rearrange some of the events to include those children who were absent before half term. SRE sessions also start this week and a photographer will be in school on Monday afternoon for Y6 and on Tuesday morning for everyone for class and team photos.Don't forget your swimming kit on Friday morning!

How good are you at estimating? Estimate the number of cups of coffee Mrs Green has had during her life.... What information will you need to know to help with your estimates? Add your questions/ estimates to the Blog and I will respond to them.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 6: Year 5 Tests Week and Preparations for Sports' Day

Well done to the Year 6 children who worked really hard during SATs week- I know that the Year 5 children are going to work equally as hard this week.
We have another busy week ahead of us with visitors from Kirkstone House, Kings' School and AMVC to talk to you about transition to Secondary School. There will be a Gold Book assembly on Tuesday and hopefully a Cricket Coaching session on Wednesday. The House Captains will be busy this week helping to sort out the entrants for the races for Sports' Day on Thursday afternoon, starting at 1.30pm. There will be a swimming session as normal on Friday morning.
PE Kits are needed in school every day!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 5: Which coastal areas have you visited in Great Britain?

Just a few more of our 'Scarborough photos'. Please bring in a photo or picture of an area of coastline around the British Isles. You need to be able to locate the place on a map of Great Britain and be able to tell us about any special geographical features that it has.
Another busy week ahead...
Y6 SATs week- please get to bed early because we want everyone to be awake and ready to give 110% ! We will try to fit in a Reward session on Tuesday (when you have decided what you would like it to be) and PE kits will be needed, especially at the end of the week, when we start to practise our races for Sports' Day.
Please remember swimming kits on Friday morning.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 4: Back to School!

I hope you have all had a restful Bank Holiday weekend and are ready for a busy week ahead. We need to practise May Pole dances and readings for the May Day assembly on Friday morning. On Wednesday the Cricket Coach should be taking a session after play (full PE kits needed!) and I will need some help with the new teacher interviews on Thursday- showing our visitors around the school and taking part in the School Council interviews.
And of course..... final preparations for Y6 SATs which start on Monday 13th May.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 4: Whitby- the Abbey, fun on the beach and games at the hotel.

The final pictures of our Scarborough visit..... but there are many more to share when we get back to school. Thank you for all your messages; I have shared them with the children each day and they have loved hearing news from home.
Cases are partially packed ready for a prompt get away in the morning. We hope to be back at school by 3pm but will contact Mrs Baker if anything changes.
Hopefully everything will come home in the correct case but if not, we can sort it out on Tuesday!
Be prepared for some very excited but exhausted children and enjoy a restful 'long' weekend.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 3: Mallyan Spout and Robin Hood's Bay

Another action packed day .....
Lauren said, "We went scrambling over rocks and walked across the waterfall."
Jasmine said, "We played Pooh-sticks at Mallyan Spout."
Rose said, "We went rock pooling today at Robin Hood's Bay; we found hermit crabs and anemones."
Kallum and Matthew said, "We found this whopper! It is a male shore crab."
Roma said, "On the village trail we saw a coffin window."
Reece said, "We played on the adventure playground. We couldn't go on the beach because the tide was in."