I hope you have all enjoyed the lovely sunny weekend. I think the warm weather is due to stay so please remember your sunhats, sun cream and water bottles this week.
We will start the week with a Gold Book assembly on Monday where we will celebrate our Eco and Sporting successes from last week.
A representative from the NSPCC is coming in again on Wednesday to do an assembly with the Year 5 and Year 6 children. On Thursday we will be welcoming Bishop John to officially open our new classrooms- more details to follow...
The last swimming session will be on Friday.
Following on from our Smarties challenge last week... What other interesting facts or information can you add to the Blog?
The Queens favorite color Smarties are blue.
Blue smarties were introduced in 1989, then axed in 2006 because of health fears over the artificial colouring.They made a come back in 2008 thanks to a natural colouring made from seaweed.
Just watched Andy Murray win the Wimbledon finals he's the first British winner in 77 years.
Smarties have been around since at least 1882, when they were made by H.I. Rowntree & Co. and known as Chocolate Beans.
Chocolate Beans were re-branded as Smarties in 1937 and remain one of the major confectionery brands, with an extremely strong brand heritage.
Here are some of the facts about smarties but I also calculated that there are about 470 calories in an 100gram serving of smarties. So you would have to eat approxiamately 3.5 100gram servings of smarties and that would be a childs daily amount because children should eat around 1500 calories per day.
Andy Murray did very well in Wimbledon.
Smarties have been around since at least 1882.
There are eight colours to choose from; red, orange, blue, green, yellow, pink, violet and brown. Smarties is one of our oldest brands. Originally introduced by Rowntree’s in 1882 as Chocolate Beans, they were re-branded in 1937 as Smarties.
Viscous mean having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid and Volatile means that you can evaporate something(i think.)
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