Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 5: What happened to children in other countries?

This week we will be learning how the war impacted children all over Europe.
Imagine you are on a boat travelling to England. What would you say to your friends? How would you feel?
Add a short dialogue to the Blog based on these pictures. Remember to punctuate your dialogue accurately.
At 6.00pm on Tuesday there will be a meeting to discuss the arrangements for our Scarborough Residential Visit
Don't forget to bring in your frying pan and pancake for our traditional races at the start of the day on Friday.


Anonymous said...

"Wow look over there Jeffery what are they?"
"Well, ma told me about them, they're called Sheep, they're not nasty and no harm to us." Jeffery replied in a persuasive voice.
"Well they don't look very friendly to me." Nick said still worried.The two boys were enjoying a trip on a boat over to England with fourteen other school friends of theirs. Not thinking about their mums and dads.Suddenly there was a loud screem,everything fell silent.


Anonymous said...

"I cant believe we are actually on a boat! Its as if were going on an adventure,"I told my crying freinds to try and cheer them up but i knew i could not hold my sadness inside me for much longer.

Anonymous said...

As I watched the foamy waves crashing onto the shore, I waved to my dear mother crying with her hands covering her face. I didn't quite understand why she was crying, was she happy for me or sad? We were quite far out on the sea, the ripples danced across the water. A fresh gust of wind whipped my face and my hair flew up messily! Seconds, minutes, hours went by, it felt as though I had been on this ship for months. Just as I went to sit down I stopped myself and peered overboard. I could just about make out a shadowy figure lurking in the distance, my heart was racing in my chest. What was I to do? Should I tell anyone?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was Lauren.

Anonymous said...

"I don't understand, where are we going, why are we leaving mother?" Questioned my younger sister in her annoying whining voice.
"Erm, well, were going on adventure to a secret island called England!" I stuttered to my sister trying to make it more exciting.
She looked confused, but then her face suddenly lit up.
"What's that?" She asked.
I peered over, I didn't even know what it was...

Anonymous said...

As the huge boat sailed out of the harbour the children waved to the mothers if they could still see the in the distance. "Where are we going?" I asked my big sister nervously. "We are going to England for it is much safer there than it is here." My sister explained calmly. "Why?" I asked seeking more information. "There is this nasty man called Hitler..." she paused to glance around incase anyone too young to understand was there but there wasn't."...and he is head of these people called the nazi party, and they are not very nice people. Well after World War 1 Germany were banned from the armed forces, Do you know what they are?" I nodded slowly mesmerised by what these nasty people were like. "Anyway Germany also lost all the land they had taken. They were very angry about this so they went and took over Poland, because it is next door to Germany, and now war has started all over again."


Anonymous said...

I sat alone. Sadness washed over me like the rough, foaming waves washing over the boat that was taking me further and further away from everything familiar. I took in a deep breath filling my lunges with the fresh, salty air. It was a far cry from the pollution filled air of Germany, but I didn't like sharpness of it. I herd a sigh from behind me, "Anna, why do you have to stair into space like that, our new...", my older sister paused for a moment, tiring to find a name for the people we were staying with that was comforting "Family, will think you quite silly". Standing up, I muttered something about going to my friends and walked over to Chrissie, she could always find the bright side of any problem. A kind looking boy directed me to a figure in the distance. As I walked closer to Chrissie I realised she was sobbing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was Madeleine.

Anonymous said...

There I was, sat there wondering how long it would be untill I would see my parents again. The waves chrashed against the boat as we got further and further out to sea. I could just see my Mother waving in the distant. "Why do we have to be taken away on this big boat, with lots of other children?" I asked my big sister nervously.
"You it's for our own saftey, it might be fun!" she replied trying not to worry me.
When suddenly there was a bang and the ship rocked. Everything went silence.

Anonymous said...

By Emily

Anonymous said...

As I was sat on the boat,I wanted to know when I would see family again.When I looked to the left I saw some sheep and other animals.
I said,"this is so exiting seeing all these different things we have never seen before!"

by Briony

Anonymous said...

After a restless night on the boat. With German bombers flying overhead after a while all went silent.No sound at all except for the gentle sea rocking side to side.But suddenly the silence was broken. German and British fighter pilots were in a deadly battle for there country.


Anonymous said...

Hi i watched the end of Carries War it is really good and a bit sad at the end but i want to watch it again it's fantastic.
