Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 6: What was life like in wartime Britain?

Welcome back to school after a busy half term- I hope you have all had a lovely break.
This week we will be visiting Church for a Lent Service on Tuesday morning so please remember to bring your coat. PE kits are needed as normal on Wednesday and Friday and half term homework should be handed in by Friday.
Mrs Green has had major problems with her computer this holiday and is hoping that all the work that she has been busily doing can be retrieved.
I have borrowed a school laptop to use in the classroom but you will need to be very patient with technology this week (even more than usual) and hopefully normal business will be resumed as soon as possible...


Anonymous said...

I am really looking forward to school. I am also very excited because I am getting the results to which secondary school I am going to be going to in two weeks. Hopefully everyone well get into the school they would like to get into.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green, I have had a great half term but I cant wait to see my friends again.I hope you Computer is back to normal and it wont be causing us any fuss.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Mr green fixed everything so we still have the bits for parents evening. He always saves the day when it goes wrong!
Annie xxx

Anonymous said...

I am happy that your laptop is fixed for parents evening.What was that semi colon game called again i really enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr Green you saved our learning. I hope you have a nice time.


Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying carries war and I can't wait to watch it on Monday! Lauren

Mrs. Green said...

Thank you for your comments. Please remember to include capital letters for proper nouns in your sentences!