Sunday, March 24, 2013

What a busy term!

Just a few highlights of the last couple of weeks...
Happy Easter everyone!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 10: Preparations for Palm Assembly and Easter Week

8 school days until the end of the Spring Term and still so much to do....
Thank you all for your brilliant behaviour and effort at Duxford last week and your super enthusiasm in our Danceathon session for Red Nose Day- I am very proud of you. I will try to attach some photos when I get back to school on Monday (my old computer won't let me do it at home!)
On Monday afternoon we will be celebrating the end of this term's topic with a VE day party. The netball team will be playing against Peterborough High School on Wednesday and both the netball and football teams are in the Soke Finals on Thursday. We need to get busy thinking about ideas for our class contribution to the Palm Assembly on Friday morning.
If you are going to Scarborough, please remember to bring in your medical and contacts form as soon as possible. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 9: How was the end of the war celebrated?

Watch out for another busy week!
Don't forget to come to school on Monday ready for our 'Pyjama Day'- please bring a  story book to share with the younger children. During the afternoon some children will be representing the school at cross country at Copthill School.
On Tuesday we will be visiting Duxford. You will need to wear your school uniform, a warm coat and sensible walking shoes and you will need a packed lunch and a drink.
Wear something red to celebrate Red Nose Day on Friday! Miss Dawson will be leading a special Danceathon session after play and Mrs Anthony is preparing a special Red Nose Day lunch.
Practise your Tangram puzzles by clicking here.Tangram puzzles

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 8: How was our local area affected during WW11?

What happened at Barnack school during the war? Were children evacuated to Barnack and the surrounding area?
Tomorrow we will be welcoming a new girl Lydia to the class- I hope you will all make her feel very welcome. Please remember to bring in a contribution for the Mothers' Day Sale if you have not already done so. The Mothers' Day Sale will be held on Thursday afternoon, or at the start of the morning for those children who are going to Soke Football and Netball in the afternoon.
Mrs Humphreys will be continuing with the war-time cookery groups this week.