Sunday, April 28, 2013

2013 Scarborough Residential Visit

Welcome to our Scarborough Visit Blog. We will try to update you regularly (depending on Internet connection!) to keep you informed of our adventures. Parents and friends- please feel free to leave messages for the children; we will share these at the beginning and end of the day when we are back at 'base'. Children- have you got your bags packed? Don't forget your packed lunch and remember to bring a waterproof coat, hat, gloves and scarf, but also a sun-hat just in case... We need to be prepared for all weathers!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to going to Scarborough and seeing everyone on Monday.Packed my case ready to go.

Anonymous said...

Omg... im soooooo exited about tomorow!! I hope everyone is going to have tons of fun and hope Thomas is better and can come
see you guys tomorow

Anonymous said...

Have a fantastic time all year 5 and 6 and staff enjoy yourselves and the delights of Yorkshire
Judi (Billy's mum) x

Anonymous said...

I hope your having a great time. Did you see Sally in York? Don't hog the shower!
Love from Joe.

Enjoy your breakfast in the morning - don't eat too much!
Love Mum & Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Jasmine and everybody

We hope you are having a fantastic time. Hope the stairs aren't too much for all of you on the top floor!
Have fun on the beach. We wonder if you can build a huge sandcastle?

Lots of love Mum, Dad, Henry, Greg and Danielle

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily
Hope you have had a good day in York and the bus journey wasnt too long. Get a good nights sleep, lots to do this week. LUMU XXX
Love Mum and Dad
PS I've grooved up the den with some funky stuff. Heather

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom
We just got news that you've arrived safely. I hope you got a chance to climb Cliffords tower- I bet it was windy up there today! Smitty was waiting for you to get off the bus after Anna- we're all very excited for you!

love you Tom!
From Anna and mummy.

Anonymous said...

Hi im sat on the sofa with my arm in a cast. So bothered about not going to Scarborough. But hope you all have a good time anyway and hope I get better soon. At least i've got Heather and Katy and Lidya.
Have a good time!
From Niamh x

Well i was looking forward to a nice quiet week, but thanks to Babs (Niamh) THATS not going to happen! Shes got me waiting on her hand and foot! Personally I think shes faking it to get out doing her school work! Only joking. Have a good time Isobel and see you soon.
Lots of Love Niamh (Niamh and Isobels mum) xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Rose,

what a fantastic wheather to be on the beach...
Gut's Naechtle!
We love you.
Mama,Papa,Leo and Nicholas

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Fowkes,

Thank you very much for letting us know that you've arrived safely.

Wishing you all a good evening.
Greetings to Mrs. Green,Mr Green, Mrs Trevarthen and Mrs Humphreys.

Roses's Mum and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
I hope you all got to Scarborough safely and didn't get too bored on the bus.Please keep us updated on what you've been doing and I cant wait until you are back! I am having fun in Miss Cracknells class but its not the same .Missing you loads.


Anonymous said...

Hi Samuel

Hope you had a good bus journey and enjoyed the sights of York. Have you sorted out your room? What are you having for dinner? Enjoy yourself, but remember to get enough sleep - your days are going to be busy!!

Lots of love

Mum and Dad xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Eliot,

Hope you have had a great day in York, and that little ole rucsack didnt wear you down!! No one sat at the end of the table at tea time as a mark of respect! LOL!

Looking forward to hearing of your adventures...
Loads of Love - Mum, Dad and Grace and the French Postal travelling Dog xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Leoni,
We all wish you and everybody else again a fantastic week with loads of fun and sunshine !



Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe,

Hope you've had a really good day today and are now settled into the hotel. Don't stay up too late!

Hannah is missing you and hopes you are having a good time.

Lots of love,

Mummy, Daddy and Hannah xx

Anonymous said...

I miss you Leoni :-(


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy
Hope you had a great time in York and are settling in at the hotel. Do you have a view of the bay from your room?
The house is far too quiet without you. Have a wonderful week
Lots of Love Mum,Dad,Indi and Millie x

Mrs. Green said...

Thank you all for your messages- I have just read them to the children. We are going to try to add some photos of our wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie

We are both missing you and hope you have had a nice first and don't stay up chatting to your friends too late

lots of love Katie and Mum:)

Anonymous said...

Hello billy I am missing you so much and I hope that you and your mates are having a great time in Scarborough. Shoes, patch, Rex, fish, merlin and Alfie are missing you. The house seems empty without always hearing you on Skype from downstairs :) have a great time everyone and make the most if the time that you have!

From Elise xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Billy
Hope you've had a great day in York and are now settling down for a good nap. Don't forget to eat your veg! Have oodles of fun with your friends,

lots of love Mum, Dad, Elise and all the animals xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt, hope u had a good day and had fun, get plenty of sleep, u will need it, miss u and love u loads , mum and dad, cara , holly and Tilly xxx

Unknown said...

Hey Matthew! Hope you've had a good journey and evening, make sure you spend your money on lots of chocolate for me when you get home and make sure you enjoy every second! And make sure you're about to go H.A.M haha! Love you, Cara x

Anonymous said...

morning Matt, hope u and your mates had a good sleep ready for some fun, eat a hearty breakfast and enjoy your day, love mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys having so much fun in Miss Cracknells class and I cant wait to see you again.Its boring when your not here but I am having fun with Lydia and everybody else. I am fitting in with Miss Cracknells class very well,we are makeing our own book its so fun.Cant wait to hear all about it when you get back.
Missing my friends and everybody else tremendously.

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Hi Leoni,
Hope you are having lovely weather because its relly nice here.
its really quiet now without you here!Looking forward to see you on Friday!
Love from Annina xxxxx

Anonymous said...

hi this is Annies' Auntie Helen , just hoping she is having a lovely time and not missing her mum and katie too much. should i expect a stick of rock when she comes back???
Have fun see you soon
kisses from Auntie Helen

Anonymous said...

Dear Henry and Frankie

Glad you got there ok, the pictures look amazing, can't wait to hear all about it!

Tons of love Mum and Dad xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Frankie and Henry,

I'm heating up my swimming pool do you can come down soon! Shall I send your teachers some decent coffee?!!! Love Auntie Liz and the kids xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Henry and Frankie,

Hope you're having an amazing time. Have great fun with your friends! It's so quiet without you!!
We are looking forward to having you back home real soon.
Lots of love
Mummy and Daddy xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Samuel

Hope you are having a wonderful time. The photos are great - good to be able to see what you've been doing. Your postcard arrived this morning - thank you. Hope you are sleeping ok. Is the sun shining in Scarborough?
We are missing you, and can't wait to see you again on Friday.
Lots of love
Mum Dad and Sadie xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam
Its wonderful to see you all having a wonderful time. We are sure that you are all making the most of your great adventure. Three cheers for all the staff and helpers. Hip, Hip.........
Safe journey home tomorrow
Love Nana and Popa

Anonymous said...

Hello dudes and dudets. I think everyone enjoyed out trip to scarborough. Thank you to all the teachers and teaching assistants for making it such a fun trip for all on the trip personally that was the best thing I have ever done at this school. I hope everyone had the time of thier lives at scarborough.
